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Naruto's Birthday - Fanfic Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-10-10 23:57:42Show All Posts

In Game Name: Iris

UID: 200000090087544

My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey

My Server Region: UK

‘’Preparing Naruto’s Birthday’’ Fanfiction event

**********Hokage's office***********

Knock knock.

"You summoned me, Lord Hokage?"

Person sitting behind huge desk with bunch of papers, books and scrolls raised it's head to look at me and gently smiled. He started searching for something in that mess.

"I did. There is important mission and I want you to take care of it. Not much time left so you have to be fast. Where did I left that thing...?! Finally. Take this and let me know do you have any questions." he said while offering me one piece of paper and scroll.

But not just any scroll, some kind of ceremonial scroll. Important mission, huh? Well, this scroll itself is worth nice amount of silver coins, that's for sure, but it's not that important to hire jonin to take care for it, right? Not like top secret information is hidden in it for sure, this type of scroll is used for events. Time to look at paper. Village Hidden in Sand? Kazekage-sama? Wait, what's day today......bloody hell, I forgot. I completely forgot. I was supposed to search for gift whole day yesterday, didn't expect I'll be so tired from last mission and pass out.......Wait.........

"This is invitaton, isn't it? Why this isn't send before?! I though Sai and Yamato took care of this last week!"

"Well, they forgot on Gaara. Somehow." he said while rolling his eyes. "Listen, I know you are tired still from last mission, but clock is ticking. Party is in few days, trip itself until there is long. I can't leave this to genins, they are too clumsy and slow. Some Chunins and part of Jonins are send on different missions outside Village, while the rest of Chunins are watching over genins. Other part of Jonins are organizating everything and taking care of security. Don't tell me you would call ANBU for this?". Those eyes literally mocked me to counter his argument.

Eh, grandpa is right. Calling ANBU because you forgot on one of Kages and personal friend of birthday boy....Old man knows he won, he is not taking of that smile. It was my time to roll eyes, take bow and leave. "I want bonus on the end of this month, got it?!" I shouted on my way out of room. Of course he is laughing, it's not him running left and right for several weeks in row.

Backpack, scroll, some food and water, money, all weapons't think I forgot anything. Time to run. Again. Eh.......* I need to buy gift....... Hm, maybe I can find gift during trip. Crap, I still can't believe i forgot on his birthday. YOU DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS, RUN!

***********Land of Fire Forest*************

Bloody hell again, how big is this forest?! I should already leave it behind. I crossed this river before 2 hours!!! The hell is going on?! Wait a second, why is so quite, where are animals? Air is circulating...and sound.....kunai from 4 O'clock! Pew, that was too close. Alright, time to admit, I'm under genjutsu. But where is enemy and when the hell I fell under one?

Sudnelly shriek of eagle rang in my ears. Ouch. "Washi, I love you, but can you be little bit more gentle next time?!" Bird looked at me like it's my fault for forcing it to use Kai on me. "Alright, I owe you."

"Took you a while to figure it out, huh?"

2 O'clock, more kunais. "FLY!"

Neutralizing those wasn't hard, but air is circulating again. Something is coming. Not something, someone.

Kunais crossed and in front of me was male. Have to push him back and take better look. He can't be older than 45. All cloth is civilian, no visible tattoos or marks at him. And he is not alone..... 2 behind him, another 2 on tree.......1 behind that rock....6 of them seems like.

"Congratulations on putting me under genjutsu without me noticing anything. Now will you all be so kind and get lost? You already costed me some hours of my life, I'm really in rush."

"Sure. Moment you give us all you have. Weapons, backpack, money. We heard you have something worth in backpack, plan of your Village maybe? Leave it all down and you are free to go."

"Better replace your spies, you are having wrong informations."

"I guess we just can kill you and check it."

Washi made a noise from the sky. They are all big enough fools to search for him and stop obsserving me. I really don't have time to fight, let's end this fast.

"Sound Style: Dance of pain". Four of them fell on ground instanly. Another two joined when Washi started his matching jutsu. In 10 seconds they will knock out. Time to go.

They trapped me on the exit of Forset. Just to pass Canyon and Wind Desert and I'm there.

*************Ray Of Sky***************


My throat is literally hurting me, lungs are barely with any oxygen. I had to jump over several Hidden Sand ninjas, but to be honest, it's their fault. How can they be out of guard?! I can't pay attention to their shouts now, they hd mili second and wasted it. Washi is no where to be seen or heard.

Too big crowd on street, roof it is. One, two three, four, many houses i have to cross before reaching that * office?

Windows is open, i guess i'll just enter over it.

"Did you ever heard for door? Or Hollway? Knocking?" Red head was looking me without approve. Temari and Kankuro were already smiling.

"Washi came 2 minutes before me, Kazekage-sama. I really doubt you didn't have a clue I'm on my way. Take this, I have to go"

"I though I'm not invited." His face got some colour.

"Talk with Sai and Yamato about it, my Lord. Your invitation was lost during mail traffic."

"Guren was here this morning, she mentioned you and that your order is ready but you still didn't pick it yet. She opened shop down the street, i guess you can find her there. Konan Stopped by last weeek and left one gift for him, can you take it with you? I have feeling I'll forgot on it". Small purple box with note attached was in his hands.

"Thanks on reminding me. I'll deliver it. Gotta go, sorry for not respecting formalities." I didn't wait to hear his answer, just went out same way I entered. Gotta hurry and pick his gift I ordered months ago. Sybling of First Hokage's Necklase. I really hope he will like it.

Quicky Post

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