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[ Events ] Events - Sept 29th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-29 21:57:48Show All Posts
'Goldfish Fishing' event -
Is there a cap of how many nets we can get from plot/elite instance per day?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-30 02:49:52Show All Posts
So unless we upgrade battle armor ranks during this event period, can't get the armor rebate.

Now I'm asking this just out of curiosity. What if someone already had battle armor at rank 9 from before? What would you have done then? Would that person get screwed?

Yes, I know most likely no one have it at rank 9 yet (not sure about certain someone at certain server), but what if someeone had. My curiosity is about your decision, thats all. This post was last edited by Sourav at 2016-9-30 03:54
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-30 04:04:37Show All Posts
  • Narutlih On 2016-09-30 03:54:02
  • 1) Battle Armor - it was obviosly that sometimes we'll have that event, so provident players didnt upgrade their armor. Its true that d2p player can unpgrade armor just to 3 lvl, but enen in this case he'll have 3 free summon scrolls. Its really not bad.
    3) Goldfish event - ye, its not best event in the game. But it is still free stuff just for stamina. Again - pleasant bonus.
    5) Monthly card - dont think that even * f2p player cant spend 6$ in month for his favorite game, if he'll have that insane incoming. Really, my lunch in KFC costs more.
    6) Matsuri is just permament event like Sage Battlefield, so its strange to discuss it in this thread.

    and... 4) Dice Event.
    This event is insane like Monthly cards. As each provident player i have some coupons in the cash. So i bought 21 dices for 420 coupons. Not so much, but what i get for this price: 22 2 lvl magatmas, 2 Seal Scrolls, 3 Summoning scrolls, 2 4 lvl magatmas, 5 mood scrolls, 3 advanced lvl runes and some other staff. Now lets calculate: 22*12+2*125+3*65+2*108+5*15+3*38 ~1150 coupons. So 400 -> 1150. Can you feel it?
Umm, not sure, maybe you got lucky about that seal and all?

On a serious note, do you think its worth going for anything there? yes, orochimaru will be great in ranked and gnw, but it will require a lot of dice rolls. Not to mention its relatively 'easy' to get oro in sage treasure.

Also, do you know if the dice progress reset everyday or not? If it resets, then it's near impossible to get any ninja gift pack from free roles, as there are only 2 of them.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-30 22:56:31Show All Posts
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