Server: 2 Sasuke
Character name: Sig\
Operating System: Windows 10
VPN: no
UID: 200000086733683
For the new Infinite Illusion Trial known as Trial of Will 1 of the enemy targets (pain) start the fight dead/ko'd reducing the total amount of damage I can inflict during the fight there by reducing my overall score and ranking in the event as proof here is a screen shot.
Server: 2 Sasuke
Character name: Sig\
Operating System: Windows 10
VPN: no
UID: 200000086733683
For the new Infinite Illusion Trial known as Trial of Will 1 of the enemy targets (pain) start the fight dead/ko'd reducing the total amount of damage I can inflict during the fight there by reducing my overall score and ranking in the event as proof here is a screen shot.
can confirm this happens on server 942 as well
Character name: ※Time※Keeper※Tenten※
OS: Windows 10 - Mini-Client
VPN: no
UID: 300040832289838
Platform: (If browser, indicate what you are using; If Mini-Client, please include the version of it)
Mini client
- Server ID: 1834 NY
- In-game Name: Babushkaboi
- UID: (For Facebook accounts, you can find your UID on the bottom of your game interface; For Oasis Accounts, you can find it by clicking HERE)
- Desc
recharged 500$ ingots through bit pay crypto currency 2 days ago still have not received any in game i contacted support they said they confirmed transactions 2 days ago and they will do investigation and yet still no professional ways of handling these type of priority issues i need some help either i need them give me my money back or in game ingots ASAP it is wasting my time and i am missing these events which i paid for everywhere i looked transaction went through AND THEY CONFIRMED IT but still my issue is getting ghosted i need some URGENT help
- Screenshot of the error or problem:
- Operating System: Windows
- Screen Resolution:
- Your Computer Time zone and your Country: EST
- Are you using VPN? NO
- Platform: Mini client V. and V.2.3
- Server ID: NY 1866
- In-game Name: Mullner
- UID: 300013299336073
- Desc
- Screenshot of the error or problem:
- Operating System: Windows 10
- Screen Resolution: 1920x1080
- Your Computer Time zone and your Country: UTC+1, Sweden.
- Are you using VPN? No.
S2 Sasuke
Mini Client :3.3
UID: 200000086733683
I did not receive my coupons for last weeks ranks in the infinite Illusion which began on monday jan 10th 2022 and ended on sunday january 16 2022
I am owed a total of 900 coupons because I finished in the top 50 in all 3 version/fights 300 coupons for each fight rank.
- Platform: (If browser, indicate what you are using; If Mini-Client, please include the version of it): 3.3
- Server ID:S369
- In-game Name:BiteMe
- UID: (For Facebook accounts, you can find your UID on the bottom of your game interface; For Oasis Accounts, you can find it by clicking HERE):200000099343804
- Desc
- Screenshot of the error or problem:
- Operating System:windows
- Screen Resolution:1360x768
- Your Computer Time zone and your Country:GTm +2 Romania
- Are you using VPN?No
Platform:Mini Client
- Server ID:S1873-Double Demon Dance
- In-game Name:sheen
- UID: 336853644351095
- Desc
- Screenshot of the error or problem:
- Operating System:Windows 8.1
- Your Computer Time zone and your Country:Philippine Time (PHT),Philippines
- Are you using VPN?:No
Puffins Browser
ign: kekenn
Phillipines Gmt+8
S164:Eight Span Bird
not using vpn
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S17 Zabuza
In-game Name: KaguraNakadai
UID: 200000083762000
I can't do Convoy because my screen won't stop loading. Two of my convoys expired because of this issue. The first time I was supposed to go to the Fire Temple, the second was to Tanzaku Town. Both times I either managed to halfway to those destinations or I stucked in Konoha.
I also noticed that the Team Instance notification doesn't show the picture. The Instance thankfully works fine (at least for me), but I report it just in case they related somehow.
Operating System: Windows 10 Home
Screen Resolution: 1360x768
Your Computer Time zone and your Country: GMT+1 Hungary
Are you using VPN? No.
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S17 Zabuza
In-game Name: KaguraNakadai
UID: 200000083762000
I can't do Convoy because my screen won't stop loading. Two of my convoys expired because of this issue. The first time I was supposed to go to the Fire Temple, the second was to Tanzaku Town. Both times I either managed to halfway to those destinations or I stucked in Konoha.
I also noticed that the Team Instance notification doesn't show the picture. The Instance thankfully works fine (at least for me), but I report it just in case they related somehow.
Operating System: Windows 10 Home
Screen Resolution: 1360x768
Your Computer Time zone and your Country: GMT+1 Hungary
Are you using VPN? No.
Well... I can't even login anymore.
- Platform: Mini Client
- Server ID: S4
- In-game Name: Jugodaime
- UID: 200000083016072
- Desc
- Screenshot of the error or problem:
- Operating System: Windows 10
- Screen Resolution: 1600 x 900
- Your Computer Time zone and your Country: CST - US
- Are you using VPN? No
Platform: Miniclient
- Server ID: S1894 Izanami
- In-game Name: RachaCuca
- UID: 357942468083125
- Desc
- Screenshot of the error or problem:
- Operating System: Windows 8.1
- Your Computer Time zone and your Country: Brazil
- Are you using VPN? NO
Platform: Miniclient
- Server ID: S1894 Izanami
- In-game Name: RachaCuca
- UID: 357942468083125
- Desc
- Screenshot of the error or problem:
- Operating System: Windows 8.1
- Your Computer Time zone and your Country: Brazil
- Are you using VPN? NO
EDIT: Unninstalled the client, clean registry, restart pc and installed client again.
Same problem.
So, any explanation??
Mini client
Server S1823
In game name: Armaros
UID: 300042937265114
Operating System: Windows 10
Timezone: South East Asian UTC + 7
Not using VPN
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