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[ Suggestions ] kurenai (summer) in F2P


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  • Registered: 2021-07-01
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On 2021-08-30 22:05:31Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hi, I wanted to ask you to bring ninja: Kurenai (summer) to some event for free, like fireworks, sign-in, myoboku (in a event that is F2P) something like that, as she is a very good ninja, and nowadays events is not good. If possible, thanks !!

  • Registered: 2021-07-01
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On 2021-08-31 19:11:20Show All Posts
  • ibrahim halil B On 2021-08-31 14:21:04
  • no i think edo deidara or anbu itachi would be better instead and there are a lot of people who want it

which??? edo deidara or anbu itachi ??? no one uses these ninjas, they are weak and don't even play well in the arena or in normal fights, Kurenai is perfect

  • Registered: 2021-07-01
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On 2021-09-02 05:58:28Show All Posts
  • ibrahim halil B On 2021-08-31 23:13:46
  • Maybe they don't use it because no one has it? Are you sure edo deidara is weak? almost everyone on my server has kurenia summer and everyone says they are weak. everyone has kurenia

no one cares about Deidara Edo dude, he's outdone by any new ninja in the game, even my kurenai to him in 2 seconds dude

  • Registered: 2021-07-01
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On 2021-09-02 06:02:02Show All Posts
  • Flying Raijin On 2021-09-01 11:22:29
  • In my opnion, bode 52, I tell you to think about this when requesting a ninja- Do not think about fighting with that ninja, thing about having to fight that ninja. Let me tell you this, when they gave Kurenai the first time for free, it was a pain on most things, cause both sides would end up fully controled by chaos. If you desire Kurenai, you c*ways buy her, she will give you an edge, especially in new servers. She only costs 8k or something, so I would suggest investing on her.

bro, it's because she's totally stolen in the arena, I've been playing since the launch of the game and when she arrived, I was very angry with her, she's really good, you know? better than Konan or a bad ninja, my opinion.

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