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[ Suggestions ] Please make these reality


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  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2021-08-09 22:48:00Show All PostsDescending Order
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I'm pretty sure that anyone that has been around in the game for some time sooner or later starts thinking about the ninja units. I think we all imagine certain versions of our favourite ninjas that could be realeased and could be awesome, so what I'm going to do today is suggesting a few of those. They're not really my favourite ninjas but I have to admit after so many years I'm very surprised we didn't get these for recruiting yet.

I can't possibly imagine the reason why these ninjas are missing because by no means could be lack of imagination, for example we've got 5 versions of Sai which is not really that popular character and they keep releasing seasonal versions of many ninjas.So whatever the reason it is I feel like I want to help suggesting these, I'll even go ahead and design their skillsets too doing my best to make every single of them at least usable as of today, perhaps by doing so I can make the job easier if someday someone finds them interesting enough to implementing them. Let's begin.

Dosu Kinuta

dosu post

Why did we get Zaku implemented but none of his teammates? Nobody knows. It's been years we have one person asking for Dosu week after week and I cant understand why nobody said yet “hey, let's make this guy happy once and for all”. Mostly because adding Zaku and not Dosu who had even more relevance in the anime is beyond me, but lets not start comparing anime and game.

Mystery – Resonant Echo: Causes unavoidable ninjutsu damage to the target, inmobile and knockdown to a selected unit.
B.CD: 1 round CD: 1 round C.Cost: 20
Standard – Sound Tackle: Attacks the oponent's unit in the front row causing 5 combo and enfeeble that supresses inmunity. This skill cannot miss and causes 40% splash damage 1 grid away of the target.
Chase – Deafening Punch: Chases and attacks a low floated unit, causes repulse. Can be triggered twice each round.
Passive – Hidden Sound Leader: As long as this unit is in the field, hidden sound ninjas cannot be defeated by standard attacks. Moreover, at the start of each round increases the defense and resistance of hidden sound ninjas by 15% (stackable 5 times).
Passive – Sound Mastery: Before the first action in the round reduces the resistance of three random opponent units by 15%.

Kin Tsuchi

Kin Tsuchi

Just like Dosu, we can only ask ourselves why did Zaku get any more relevance than Kin at the time of being implemented. Perhaps because her action was limited in the anime they didn't find her interesting enough, yet again she's the other teammate of Zaku and Dosu and deserves a spot in this game.

Mystery – Senbon Bell: Causes 3 combo to the entire opponent's team, chaos and repulse to a random unit.
B.CD: 0 CD: 2 C.Cost: 20
Standard – Decoy Shuriken: Attacks the enemy unit with the least life points causing 3 combo, high chance to cause repulse and chaos.
Chase – Surprise Attack: Chases and attacks a knockdown unit causing knockdown. Can be triggered three times each round.
Passive – Body replacement: Very high chances of dodging mystery skill and standard attack. Can be triggered twice each round.
Passive – Hidden genin: Every time this unit chases an enemy increases attack and ninjutsu by 10%.

Sasuke [Uchiha Avenger]
Sasuke Post

My arguments with Sasuke fans in this forum have been on since the Ronin version was released. The demands of a version capable of dealing with Six Path Naruto have been around for quite some time. Despite I believe Rinne Sasuke is well capable of doing that I'm willing to design a Sasuke that won't leave unsatisfied anyone without breaking the game like Naruto did.

Thinking realistically, only two versions in the anime remain without being implamented: First curse-mark level and the black hebi during the fight with Itachi. Sure we could think of Sasuke summer etc but that doesn't inspire me in the slightest, so I'll go by the books. Black hebi Sasuke wouldn't have been able to defeat Six Path Naruto, but since strong in anime doesn't mean strong ingame and vice-versa, let's begin.

Mystery – Amaterasu: Causes undodgeable ninjutsu damage, 5 combo, irremovable ignition until the end of the round and high float to a selected unit while reducing the target's defense and resistance by 10% (stackable).
B.CD: 1 CD: 2 C.Cost: 40
Standard – Dragon flame jutsu: Attack a random unit in the enemy field causing 3 combo and high float, dealing 35% splash damage 1 grid away of the target and supressing super armor.
Chase – Chidori blade: Chases and attacks high float causing irremovable paralysis until the end of the round, 5 combo, knockdown and interruption. This skill cant miss and has a fixed chance of decreasing mystery cooldown by 1.
Passive – Sharingan Awaken: Whenever an enemy uses a mystery skill, this ninja gets an extra standard and chase attacks. For every standard attack increases own attack and ninjutsu by 8% and for every chase attack increases own critical by 7%. The critical returns to its original value at the end of the round.
Passive – Orochimaru's Teachings: This ninja is inmune to debuffs. Upon receiving fatal damage avoids death and recovers 50% of original life points, this skill can be triggered once each round.

Kidomaru [Cursed Edo Tensei]
Kidomaru Post

As someone who got completely mind-*ned during his fight with Neji, I was so hyped when I started playing this game. Specially seeing that Kimimaro activates the curse mark appereance and skills when upgrading stars, everyone back then thought the rest of the sound five team would receive the same treatment, but they never did. It makes me double sad because the sound four got ressurrected during the fourth great ninja war by Kabuto's edo tensei technique, so an edo tensei version of the sand four would be perfectly possible.

Here's how I imagine it.

Mystery – Spider Arrow: Causes undodgeable taijutsu damage to a selected unit, interruption and repulse. This skill has always guaranteed critical.
B.CD: 1 CD: 2 C.Cost: 20
Standard – Spider summoning: Attacks up to 4 units of the enemy's lineup causing 4 combo, poison and slowdown that supresses inmunity to a random unit.

Chase – Deadly volley: Chases and attacks repulse, causing repulse, 5 combo and slowdown.
Chase – Hell combo: Triggered with 20-combo or more, causes unmissable damage to up to 4 enemies from same lineup.

Passive – Hell Soul Swap: Whenever a battle reaches an even number round, summon a barrier that increases the defense and resistance of allies in your field by 60% and adds 1 turn of cooldown to a random enemy unit.
Passive – Edo Tensei Binding: After being defeated this unit ressurrects the next round with 25% original life points and triggers Spider Arrow to a random unit.

Tayuya [Cursed Edo Tensei]

Tayuya Post

Just like the rest of the sound five, Tayuya displayed an impressive skillset when she activated the second level of the curse mark, becoming even more deadly when she was ressurrected with the edo tensei. I would definetely enjoy seeing this ninja getting her unleashed version implemented so I think it could be done something like this.

Mystery – Doki Fury: Causes damage to up to 4 units in the enemy lineup and knockdown. If no doki puppet is alive summon 3 doki puppets. If one puppet is alive causes sleep that supresses inmunity to a random target until the end of the round. If two puppets are alive causes sleep that supresses inmunity to two random targets until the end of the round. If all puppets are alive, this skill damage is increased by 100%, becomes undodgeable and causes dream that supresses inmunity to the selected target lasting for 2 rounds.
B.CD: 1 CD: 2 C.Cost: 40
Standard – Armonic Genjutsu: Causes unmissable ninjutsu damage to the enemies in the front row with high chance of causing sleep and knockdown.
Chase – Puppet punishment: Chases and attacks knockdown, causes repulse. Can be triggered twice each round.
Chase – Puppet demise: Chases and attacks repulse, causes high float. Can be triggered twice each round.
Passive – Hell Soul Swap: At the beginning of the battle summons a barrier that increases ninjutsu of allies in your field by 60% and causes chaos that supresses inmunity to a random enemy unit.
Passive – Edo Tensei Binding: After being defeated this unit ressurrects the next round with 25% original life points and triggers Hell Soul Swap. Moreover, at the start of odd rounds summon 3 doki puppets with 75% of Tayuya's life points and enemies attacking the doki puppets have a 50% chance to receive Fear that supresses inmunity.

Sakon&Ukon [Cursed Edo Tensei]

Sakon&Ukon Post

Who's surprised at this point, right? Just like Kidomaru and Tayuya, and unlike Jirobo (no hard feelings, it just doesn't inspire me as much as the other sound members to be designing a version for him), this ninja deserves a new version. Along with the others, I believe Sakon&Ukon cursed edo tensei version would be incredibly fun to watch ingame. I imagine it more or less like this.

Mystery – Armored Doors of Hell: Creates a shield around the selected ally lineup that reduces all damage suffered by the first 10 attacks to 1. If an enemy lineup is selected increases those units cooldown by 1 and causes blindness that supresses inmunity until the end of the round.
B.CD: 0 CD: 3 Chakra: 20
Standard – Evil beating: Attacks the enemy in the front row causing 8 combo with a chance of causing knockdown. Increases own taijutsu by 8% with each attack.
Chase – Explosive uppercut: Chases and attacks knockdown, causes low float, ignition and decreases enemy defense by 4% (stackable). Can be triggered twice each round.
Passive – Hell Soul Swap: At the start of odd numbered rounds, summon a barrier that increases critical and initiative of allies in your field by 30% and 3% respectively.
Passive – Edo Tensei Binding: Whenever the enemy uses a mystery skill, gains an extra standard attack. After being defeated this unit ressurrects the next round with 25% original life.

I want to finish first saying thanks to WhiteFang for making Kidomaru, Tayuya and Sakon&Ukon images. Everyone can check his YT channel, he's been doing great Naruto content for years.
Also thanks to ChekoAguilar for making that awesome drawing of Sasuke. Anyone who liked it feel free to check his devianart.

Secondly, these versions are my own and of course they're open to discussion, I don't believe I've made any of those ninjas godlike but is always healthy to discuss nerfs and even buffs for the sake of not making any game-breaking ninjas.

And last, I'd love to know what other ninjas do other players imagine or want implemented into the game. Leaving the Boruto ninjas out since Tencent & Oasis only own Naruto and Naruto Shippuden license as far as I know.
We get told often that our european version of Naruto Online is not just a copy-paste of China's version, that there are things here that they may not have there and vice-versa. This is why I encourage everyone to keep suggesting ninjas and features to our moderators so they can pass them along to the dev team and hopefully sooner than later they start giving these a try.

Thanks in advance!

This post was last edited by Perfect_Cell on 2021-08-09 22:48:00.
  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2021-08-10 04:01:59Show All Posts
  • sehalee On 2021-08-10 03:35:38
  • Sasuke Cloak

    change Sasuke Avenger version with Sasuke (Taka) Version

That version would also be amazing!

  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2021-08-10 04:34:50Show All Posts
  • tylermotoki On 2021-08-10 04:25:51
  • Hello, thank you for these suggestions, I will be reading through them and passing them along.

Thanks a lot like always

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On 2021-08-10 15:36:23Show All Posts
  • NekoUchiha On 2021-08-10 13:17:20
  • Gotta say Kin is one of favorite girls in Naruto

She was interesting, I hope we get to see her ingame as well

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On 2021-08-10 16:14:09Show All Posts
  • -Uzuki- On 2021-08-10 15:55:08
  • Cool idea, but chases never has any chance-based effects like the one you suggested to Sasuke.

    I suggest making it guaranteed cooldown reduce, but chase low float so he can't trigger this chase on his own.

    Or making it dodgeable and if enemy dodges this chase, it doesn't reduces cooldown.

Agreed, it should be guaranteed cooldown reduction.
Both mystery and standard of that Sasuke trigger high float so the chase would ideally be of high float, if we want a low float chase I'd change at least the standard to low float so he can self chase

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On 2021-08-10 20:36:49Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2021-08-10 20:19:08
  • Passive – Orochimaru's Teachings: This ninja is inmune to debuffs. Upon receiving fatal damage avoids death and recovers 50% of original life points, this skill can be triggered once each round.

    you do realize how broken this is on same power battle right?

    stop scale everything to 6p, and even for 6p is broken

    if it was once per battle i would had understand or only 10-20% max but 50% every round?

    as someone already stated if you wanna fix the problem deal with the problem ninja not create more broken stuff

Hi X!

Yeah I got it from when Itachi burns him with the amaterasu and he just changes skin like a snake and escapes under ground.
As I said in the end of the post, these ninjas that I suggest are completely open to discussion for nerfs or buffs.
And I agree with you! When reaching a high battle power being able to resurrect each round can be too op for a DPS like that Sasuke, probably would need to have a limit like Creation Kakuzu or something like that. It should either get nerfed in the amount of HP recovered or the amount of times he's able to revive.

Thanks for your input! Useful as always

  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2021-08-11 11:55:05Show All Posts
  • Indra火 On 2021-08-11 06:25:26
  • These are some of the best suggestions in a while, i hope these get implemented for real.

Thanks!! I hope so too

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