ok so first, lets establish some ground rules, nolaski how come everything that is not your comment is "an opinion" regardless the fact that are solid numbers and everything you say needs to be taken as a fact, how does that work?
wanna talk anime? sure, since when sasuke was on par with naruto? why did sasuke go to orochimaru? because he seen that cant keep up with naruto thus if he cant keep up with naruto means no chance for him to defeat his brother
tell me one fight between them that naruto didnt fought defensively "to win him back", sasuke always fought "with the intent to kill" aka full strength yet he never actually defeated naruto
wanna talk anime? why does sasuke need a self heal? naruto heals himself due to kurama's chakra but sasuke? where do you get the healing from?
now, on the other topic, since when edo minato have self healing and self scaling? minato without chase is almost 0... madara 10tails is a heavly pay to win unit that is not even that great against naruto, that is dirt cheap, obito 10 tails is the only one that actually can put up a fight against naruto and how much that cost?? right.... and... did you just put kurenai summer in the same phrase as naruto madara and obito 6p ?
now ignoring naruto, something like sasuke lm/fm leech and konan swimsuit should make a easy win in most of the cases BUT if you play auto outside space time and ranked battle don't expect to win regardless of the team...
i could go on but there is no point cuz anything said against sasuke is "an opinion" and everything pro is "fa*"
No, a lot cannot defeat Naruto. He's by far the strongest p1 me
Yes I was around in the Kakuzu Grudge me
yea including you.
stop this naruto hate. the reason why we have this diacussion thread and play8ng is bec of him. its his time to shine. bwfore it was shisui. and so on and so forth. thats why its called me
just wanted to discuss when is sasukes time to shine. perhaps he could also be included in the new changes. thats all. during his release the me
sasuke normal is more versatile than renne sasuke. its soo sadt. he suppost to be more versatile now tht he has renne sharingan
yea including you.
stop this naruto hate. the reason why we have this diacussion thread and play8ng is bec of him. its his time to shine. bwfore it was shisui. and so on and so forth. thats why its called me
just wanted to discuss when is sasukes time to shine. perhaps he could also be included in the new changes. thats all. during his release the me
sasuke normal is more versatile than renne sasuke. its soo sadt. he suppost to be more versatile now tht he has renne sharingan
hes no longer being used bec hes .... no fun using he dies right away. ur 6p maybe in top 30 somewhere hes being used by someone but its not everyones using him. in my server they use blitz kakuzu konan. and anuthing that increases that damage. so ur argumemt for naruto is meh. but thats what i thought too when i was still starting
but then again ....... lets go back to sasuke rinne vs normal. normal does 2 ppl burn. chases with 2 combos. paralysis 2 attacks plus lightning attribute buff yea. more versatile again not fact. in MY OPINION . not yours but my. in round 1 normal sasuke deals more damage. since battles nowadays matter in round 1 and 2 .... usually battles after round 2 is either one character is dead or immobilized or defeated by initiative. and round 2 usually is where sasuke rinne could activate his skill. sasuke rinne chase is only ... only the lowfloat. so yea thats my OPINION just to be clar bec u stated early that been stating these as fact. when ive been saying all the time that my comments are opinions. dnt know where you got the idea that iv been making it factual. if you only back read ughhh.
im just saying narito (which is not the topic) again. for me (opinion identifier:for me) is already good. and ita his time to shine just like his npredicessors. thats the reason why ppl quit one after another... another me
imagine this normal saskue. kakuzu creation. plus k9nan swimsuite main having also combo chase. would the enemy team survive round 1? would opposite side saskue survive round 1 and use his 40 mana biff? remember chaos and fear is only at around 40-55% understand now why i think sasuke normal is more useful nowadays?
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