just wanna shout.out my sadness on saskue renne. hes really coool but.. thats all there is to him.... saskue susanoo is more useful than him. saskue renne sharingan is soo damage absorbent. even after BT he would only gain immunity to pure ninjutsu.... hes suppost to be a rival to 6P naruto just soo disappointed and wanted to share this
if thats your "opinion" respect that. wont ask topic to be closed tho. lol u see me as repitotive and same lol open up those topics ur saying about. after that tell me if im repititive. if iam that "same person" perhaps a lot have the "same opinion about him". and thats unfaqir if u close us down man. your doingbitbpersonally man. its just my opinion that "he isnt that good" unlike minato edo., and narito 6p not even near them. you can actually disregard reply8ng to posts like this if u hate seing them just dnt get personal and close em. im just saying .... im just discussing lol.." just saying how sad". thats why im placing this in discussi9n not in suggestions
yea tried ur suggestions. but yea my point is about his durability. shields have little to no effect to littlr on him yea rin helps but not enough.
1.gain8ng health after recieving chakra w9nt make him that outbalanced strong man. it just would little bit balance his squishyness. i understand that narito 6p is squishy bec he has regen and evasion but as far as i see it sasuke only has super armor. thats why i called him damage absorbent just keeps on taking damage and dies.
2. having the same/near same skill as madara 6p. immune to damage isnt so bad. and w9nt make him imbalanced or god tier just would make it fun. we all know how madara 6 p be killed even if he has tht skill.
i can throw down the same for ur 6p naruto. i have ibiki and can easily shut h8m down for 2 rnds and kill him in round 2 hes soft aff hahaha just also shows ur ignorance of the game too
peace yo.
just expressing my sadness man. hes cool. but yea. kinda sad. there are a lot of disvusssions aboit this man. meaning alot have the same opinion as me. also my point is that the brand is about the two of them. naruto vs sasuke.
i have no problem with offense its his defense. its just super armor. there is a need to a someth8ng else. the madara chance to evade damage or a counter renne counter. wouldnt make him god tier. just increaseing his dirability.
im a slight collector. i have narito 6p and minato and other chracters. as fateful choices events has it its about the senju vs uchiha but theres just soo much biased in the senju side. thats all huhuhu
lol thats all in your opinion. and on my opinion 6p is nothing against 10 tails. 10 tail can be in auto mode and defeat 6paths.
minato edo. 6paths naruto. 10tails obito. and madara 10tails. kurenai summer. are already good. if u nurf naruto yull have to nurf them too.
lol im really opposite to you on that. just buff one character (sasuke) rather than nurf naruto. naruto is already good when compared to good charcters.(ones mentioned above)
lol close... just so to say that your answer is the only answer and we that oppose you cant talk? your just too spoiled that u dnt want other opinions. you dnt want to be wrong.. when you are alreafy wrong when you said the same person in the 1st place hahaha no its not same oerson kiddo we are different people say8ng it. i dnt want your comment to be deleted or request it since i respect ur opinion not to buff sasuke. but some fans are hurt. sasuke fans to be exact. we just want justice to him.
how to defeat immune to damage? lol same principle as 10tails madara. i thought your a master. youve been telling me that i lacked strategy. my minato can easily kill 10tails madara man. its by chance as iv said its by chance. lol the repetition of words but surely u stilll wont understand
ibiki. is just one of many that can stop naruto 6p theres kurenai. but if u want help for strategy for 6p go to a thread for that this is for sasuke and not naruto. lol why are we talking about this in sasuke thread.
my point? really? u dnt know my point? buff in defense. defense. survivability of sasuke. if u dnt understand mybpoint then why bother replying. u know my point thats why ur replying. yea i know its near to impossible that i would be heard. so is your request to nurf naruto.
we both wont get want. nurf naruto and buff survivability of sasuke. no matter how many we are. or no matter how much you debunk my suggestion. throwing your anger of 6paths on me. its useless..... just let my or our opinion stay. so that others that see the same way as me would see that this was already upped.
if you cant see that thread your talking about .perhaps its no longer available.and it wasnt me.
ur making a point that his offense is enough. when it is useless since he wont survive. that mana. everything he has is useless when hes dead. ..... unless kabuto sage. with 300 coupons per frags help him lol. buff8ng him in a way that would make him useful. as uv said hes not core. hes absolutely nothing. whe hes suppost to be one of the lead characters. justice for sasuke is my main point. been here for 2017. ur just like around 2019. i dnt post that much. i just find this unfair. on sasuke fans. just in my opinuon not dragging others with me. but there are also those with similar opinion as me.
"he's suppossed to be one of the lead characters"
How many times does this need to be explained to you? STRONG IN ANIME DOESNT MEAN STRONG IN GAME.
The developers are not forced at all to deliver a godlike version of Sasuke, the sooner you accept it the happier you'll be.
You could use Kabuto Sage as you said, you could use Creation Kakuzu, you could use Byakugou Tsunade, you could use so many things and that's the fun part of the game, mate. Think! Not expect a single ninja doing everything for you, make a lineup to make your Sasuke unstoppable, there are many ways of making it.
I haven't been around since 2019 my friend that's the time I started posting. I'm in the game since version 1.0 not even the UK servers, then i migrated here due to content reasons. I post as much since then because I care of the game after I've been so many years here, of course I want to see it heading in the right direction, and that's definetely not adding more godlike ninjas. That's precisely what has made quit veteran players, the boredom of seeing people expecting to have a single ninja doing everything for them instead of building diverse fun teams which is the main point of the game by the way.
im not making the developers make sasuke god like. im just saying.... saying ... just like your saying naruto which is not this topic should be nurfed. .....on. my side its sasuke needs to be durable not godlike lol. making sasuke dirable survive isnt gonna make him godlike. is madara 10tails god like ??ur forcing ppl to spam the way u answer. yea my english is shortcut and all bec im on mobile.
backread my suggestions man ... they are siggestions that wont make sasuke godlike. i dnt want him godlike. did i say i want him godlike? just want him to survive. cuz his skills are not that useful when hes dead. this is actually a repitition of what i said earlier lols. no wonder people that anawer u get spammed. u dnt get it the 1st time. they have to repeat alot for u
No, a lot cannot defeat Naruto. He's by far the strongest p1 me
Yes I was around in the Kakuzu Grudge me
yea including you.
stop this naruto hate. the reason why we have this diacussion thread and play8ng is bec of him. its his time to shine. bwfore it was shisui. and so on and so forth. thats why its called me
just wanted to discuss when is sasukes time to shine. perhaps he could also be included in the new changes. thats all. during his release the me
sasuke normal is more versatile than renne sasuke. its soo sadt. he suppost to be more versatile now tht he has renne sharingan
hes no longer being used bec hes .... no fun using he dies right away. ur 6p maybe in top 30 somewhere hes being used by someone but its not everyones using him. in my server they use blitz kakuzu konan. and anuthing that increases that damage. so ur argumemt for naruto is meh. but thats what i thought too when i was still starting
but then again ....... lets go back to sasuke rinne vs normal. normal does 2 ppl burn. chases with 2 combos. paralysis 2 attacks plus lightning attribute buff yea. more versatile again not fact. in MY OPINION . not yours but my. in round 1 normal sasuke deals more damage. since battles nowadays matter in round 1 and 2 .... usually battles after round 2 is either one character is dead or immobilized or defeated by initiative. and round 2 usually is where sasuke rinne could activate his skill. sasuke rinne chase is only ... only the lowfloat. so yea thats my OPINION just to be clar bec u stated early that been stating these as fact. when ive been saying all the time that my comments are opinions. dnt know where you got the idea that iv been making it factual. if you only back read ughhh.
im just saying narito (which is not the topic) again. for me (opinion identifier:for me) is already good. and ita his time to shine just like his npredicessors. thats the reason why ppl quit one after another... another me
imagine this normal saskue. kakuzu creation. plus k9nan swimsuite main having also combo chase. would the enemy team survive round 1? would opposite side saskue survive round 1 and use his 40 mana biff? remember chaos and fear is only at around 40-55% understand now why i think sasuke normal is more useful nowadays?
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