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[ Suggestions ] Zenith suggestion and other stuff


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-08-01 13:03:08Show All Posts

Hello, thank you for submitting these suggestions. We currently have no main arena that gets featured occasionally, that might interest you! In regards to changing Zenith Arena to this system, the main issue is that it would change the base form of Zenith. Currently, Zenith is a test of a player's skill to build normal teams with characters that they are not aware of prior to the match. Removing main characters from this would drastically change the strategies, and change the required characters needed for each battle. Currently, each main has its strengths and weaknesses.

I will pass along the feedback on Sakura Festival, thank you for submitting it.

What in particular are you imagining for the breakthrough system?

Quicky Post

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