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[ Lineup ] Arena Rank [Way to SageOf6Paths]


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On 2021-07-22 13:37:02Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi guys!

It has recently come to my attention that there a lot players who are struggling with Arena Rank Lineups.

I have prepared 2 teams which could be so strong that even old servers might get annoyed. hehe These teams are composed of free ninjas (if you were able to get them this past few weeks/months)

I have tested these lineups myself and I got pretty good results. Now this team is not perfect, idk if there is actually a perfect lineup, but even full bt top tier ninjas such as Naruto 6p, Obito 10tails, etc can somehow find it hard to beat these teams. Actually I was able to beat them for a few times through luck maybe haha. Again these teams have a good chance of winning, but not all the time.

In the actual battle, another set of strategy will take place. Creating a decent lineup is one thing, but executing the battle strategy is another thing if you want to win. Afterall, not all players know how to actually do it so better take advantage of the situation. Timing is very important here!








***You could also use Breeze's Passive 2-4. Totally up to you!


This will be one of the last few topics/posts that I will make. So I better compress, anyways they are somehow related to each other.

Let's clear the air:

Note: When I say "You" I mean in General as to avoid confusion.

You can be annoyed of me for sharing infos/ideas (depending on my mood & the topics presented). I do understand that I cannot control how you feel about that. But I would take it if that is what it takes to equip others with necessary informations to get through with the game while still enjoying the process (since alot of players are complaining regarding match-ups and all). Also, I encourage everyone to correct me if I am wrong, I wouldn't mind. Just make sure it will make sense :D

It is not my intention to protect or defend OASIS or the Developers/MODS/Staff. I am not doing what I do (assuming some "already know what is up") to get a "chemistry" with them or get me a special "seat" in the forum. No need for special treatment, in fact I discourage the act.

But we must be aware, wrong doings are wrong doings. Wisdom is power. Sharing is caring :)))

Honestly, I'd rather annoy someone by helping others through giving advices&tips than to annoy others by spreading silly rants & c0cky remarks. Anyways, it is just safe to assume that haters of such acts are the jealous types, the ones who are insecure enough to spread hate over good acts of others for genuine help. hehe

PS: If ever I had a strong argument with anyone, fret not cause the discussion would just stay in that specific room. Sometimes I might praise you, other times I may disagree with you. Let's stay objective when arguing. After all, it all depends on our (each of us) actions for how we respond to others'. Again, I am open to criticism but make sure we are in the right and we are reasonable. Hope it makes sense :3

Anyways, there are people assigned to moderate when things get out of control or discussion skewed in the wrong direction. I am no stranger to that as I sometimes drift from the topic myself and my comments get deleted. Hehe. Let's respect them for doing their job.


Let us all aim for these goodies!!! Goodluc to all :)


Hope these Lineups can somehow bring you to higher places. Or atleast the idea of these ones can enhance your ability to be creative. Let us all beat the system as the Devs are the only ones who can change the matching system!

Have fun everyone. Always!

  • Registered: 2021-06-19
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On 2021-07-23 13:11:20Show this Author Only

It is good to be back. For the sake of post validity, here are some proofs. I have incorporated FloodDrgon for my setup but if you doon't have it you can stlck with the original setup above.

Partial SOSP BT+Fully BT Kushina. This one has very high initiative...


Fully BT Kisame+Kurenai SUmmer + 4 Star Rin. High Ini also...

Screenshot 2021-07-23 082002

Fully BT Kushina + Paritally BT Iruka. We don't wanna let them scale. High Ini...

Screenshot 2021-07-23 082921

Kinda good, but lacking control/damage/defense/offense for higher rounds. :)

Screenshot 2021-07-23 083630


This one I lost. He is very strong, I'll give him that. Altho it was an intense fight, almost thought I could win. Haha. I enjoyed our battle :)

Screenshot 2021-07-23 083232

Point is: Work with what you have. Play it smart. :)

Zenith once again :3

Have a wonderful day, everyone!

This post was last edited by Iamweak on 2021-07-23 13:12:38.
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On 2021-07-24 03:54:24Show this Author Only

Dont worry as a decent Naruto gamer im not annoyed because those setups are an absolute joke. Nobody from those screenshots has a proper team. Last dude is half decent that is if he has proper skill trials but my guy just had to use rin over proper madara supports so unlikely

People just slam rin, hashirama + something (mostly 6p Naruto) and after a bit of grind get 6p rank but its nothing new, no rocket science here. Strong players eat those for breakfast ...

PS nice triple shichiseiken, real help in this topic right here - you need 4ropes or 3 ropes and 1 gourd for Control ninja in your team as end game ninja tools

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On 2021-07-24 04:05:09Show this Author Only

LOL Ingot users really don't know a single thing about patience (not all tho). Hahaha do you see why those tools are lvl 30? Cause ofc We F2Ps don't really want to waste resources. They are disposable. Still waiting for the right timing.

This post was last edited by Iamweak on 2021-07-24 04:11:16.
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On 2021-07-24 04:10:35Show this Author Only

And besides, what do you expect for full free teams. Even some p2ws don't have those superb ninjas. And these lineups are great vs older players, strong F2Ps or ofc old Spenders.

LOL funny how ingots greatly influence one's skill. So powerful and almighty XD. Glad we were raised by our own skills. And btws, i perfectly know how treasured tools work :3

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On 2021-07-24 04:30:44Show this Author Only

Sigh... again setups above are just nothing special and that's all I wanted to say. Not to mention that Hashirama + Rin combo is something that every f2p player uses so you didnt discover anything to share.

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On 2021-07-24 04:38:16Show this Author Only

Maybe he is right, I take it all back. Don't use these team my friends. Never mind the screenshots, never mind even if you are in a newer server. Never mind if you don't have OPs. Someone says it is a joke :3 It must be true, coming from someone who has a lot of options :)))

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On 2021-07-24 04:48:38Show this Author Only

Kidding aside.

The fact that these setups can match and even win vs BT Ninjas mean that it has a potential, again, as a full free ninja lineup.

And actually I did win vs naruto full bt & kakuzu ac with this setup. Same with kimi + madara gnw bt + kakuzu ac. Even full bt obito 10 tails. For a free lineup, I think that accounts for something. :)

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On 2021-07-24 05:07:00Show this Author Only
  • Kiriya. On 2021-07-24 04:30:44
  • Sigh... again setups above are just nothing special and that's all I wanted to say. Not to mention that Hashirama + Rin combo is something that every f2p player uses so you didnt discover anything to share.

Hashirama NY + Rin 3 stars are weak without proper backups. That is why Edo itachi is there. To lessen pure ninjutsu. Breeze provides huge help too, both for immunity and reset. Actually if I will face this lineup, it would be harder for me too. Cause there is a reflect, immunity heal,chase interruption (from itachi) Plus the next round Hashirama can heal either of them. Kinda hard which one to go for actually. Plus rin's passive mys reduction is so dope.

So to answer your reply. I think this lineup provides stability. Cause rin and Hashirama 3 stars ain't enough to survive and ofcourse win the battle :))) Hope I am being clear.

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On 2021-07-24 05:08:49Show this Author Only
  • NýĠMA On 2021-07-24 04:48:38
  • Kidding aside.

    The fact that these setups can match and even win vs BT Ninjas mean that it has a potential, again, as a full free ninja lineup.

    And actually I did win vs naruto full bt & kakuzu ac with this setup. Same with kimi + madara gnw bt + kakuzu ac. Even full bt obito 10 tails. For a free lineup, I think that accounts for something. :)

Tons of people queue auto battle after all, with the winning streak bonuses and no losing streak penalties as long as you are barely around 50% win rate you still are climbing so people just press auto do quick auto clicker / macro -> go afk for some time and 6p rank done easly. Its pretty fast even if you are using something like SS Konan - AC Kakuzu - Male chikushodo / GNW Madara / Obito so f2p can get some free wins with pure control setups

Everybody knows that setups like Rin - Hashirama - Naruto or Rin (or base hashi) - Summer Kurenai - Kakashi etc are best f2p players options but for real any good team like Naruto - base hiruzen - AC Kakuzu - impetus wind main or ETR Madara - Guy/Mabui - sasori / nagato and obviously highest tiers teams with Minato + Ashura or 6p Pain / Obito / 10T Madara etc as long as player has above 50IQ and is not afk auto farming easly wins vs f2p players. (that's obvious though)

So you get me correctly, is your setup viable team to farm arena? -> Yes, it is.

Is this something new that people didn't know about before? -> No, it is not.

Are those setups truly able to compete vs high end meta? -> No, they can't (unless other player is braindead or afk auto farming)

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On 2021-07-24 05:18:40Show this Author Only
  • Kiriya. On 2021-07-24 05:08:49
  • Tons of people queue auto battle after all, with the winning streak bonuses and no losing streak penalties as long as you are barely around 50% win rate you still are climbing so people just press auto do quick auto clicker / macro -> go afk for some time and 6p rank done easly. Its pretty fast even if you are using something like SS Konan - AC Kakuzu - Male chikushodo / GNW Madara / Obito so f2p can get some free wins with pure control setups

    Everybody knows that setups like Rin - Hashirama - Naruto or Rin (or base hashi) - Summer Kurenai - Kakashi etc are best f2p players options but for real any good team like Naruto - base hiruzen - AC Kakuzu - impetus wind main or ETR Madara - Guy/Mabui - sasori / nagato and obviously highest tiers teams with Minato + Ashura or 6p Pain / Obito / 10T Madara etc as long as player has above 50IQ and is not afk auto farming easly wins vs f2p players. (that's obvious though)

    So you get me correctly, is your setup viable team to farm arena? -> Yes, it is.

    Is this something new that people didn't know about before? -> No, it is not.

    Are those setups truly able to compete vs high end meta? -> No, they can't (unless other player is braindead or afk auto farming)

I like the discussion. Really :) This way we can actually tell if something is right or wrong. Healthy discussion is always appreciated.

Again, kindly check #9 comment. Thank you!

Note: This post is for those "who are struggling to form a lineup in arena". So I gave them 2 options. In those two options I gave them the idea on how to formulate a team. Why did I choose itachi, why wind main, why those skills.

Or why did I choose itachi, choji gnw and MB. Actually it is mainly the formulation, tho overall the lineup itself they c*e already as I already gave them the skill sets :) hope we are all clear.

This post was last edited by NýĠMA on 2021-07-24 05:19:08.
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On 2021-07-24 05:41:12Show this Author Only

Above all. The main point of this post is to help those who are in need of Arena Lineup. Kindly study why those skills (also breeze passive 2-4 is better, I only use passive 2-2 since there are some who haven't unlock last skill. Same with flood dragon hehe). And to add, use Shiba summon Ms for added resistance. I also assume you haven't unlock the summon mys yet. So pakun is the next option.

Again these teams are not sure win, they are just free teams, but in a much higher level than typical lineups (I assume you don't have much ninjas as I personally don't have kakashi summer/kushina summer/etc - those who are considered coupon ninjas but one cannot easily aquire. Especially in a 5 month or less server). Assuming they are aiming for much OP ninjas.

It is not for those who are expert players out there who already own multiple ninjas. Anyways, anyone can try them out. See for yourself :)

This post was last edited by NýĠMA on 2021-07-24 05:46:38.
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On 2021-07-24 05:46:25Show this Author Only

For new servers that 2nd team (I dont like first one that much) is probably best option but old f2p players are actually not that weak. Obviously they have no chance in regular fights but there are tons of f2p players with good teams in arena where stats are not as important (initiative still is a key tho...). Ninjas like full BT ETR Madara, Naruto's, Kisame with proper suigetsu-kakuzu team etc are easly achieved by f2p players these days.

Few years ago we had like half of the coupons you could get per month, no moon/sun coins and shop so you had to completly choose between getting a ninja or power and there were no events such as fireworks, fuku deals, myoboku trials etc so trust me. Old timers survived those dark times and we can counter f2p setups pretty easly but there is a ton of absolute potato whales and other bad players so I can see them being controlled for 3 rounds straight up and then lose.

Back in a day we were using similar teams such as Swimsuit Temari - Susanno Itachi - Masked Man - Wind main impetus pre skill trials era etc so control teams were always good idea in general. If you dont have strong pos1 ninja yourself just cheese your way up with control or Zetsu

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On 2021-07-24 05:56:38Show this Author Only

In conclusion good talk before DB servers are open. I recommend his 2nd team for sure for new players but vs really good older players dont expect high win rate. (that team is also not that easy to use, you have to understand how to use those controls properly otherwise it will be very bad)

This post was last edited by Kiriya. on 2021-07-24 06:11:36.
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On 2021-07-24 06:00:29Show this Author Only
  • Kiriya. On 2021-07-24 05:46:25
  • For new servers that 2nd team (I dont like first one that much) is probably best option but old f2p players are actually not that weak. Obviously they have no chance in regular fights but there are tons of f2p players with good teams in arena where stats are not as important (initiative still is a key tho...). Ninjas like full BT ETR Madara, Naruto's, Kisame with proper suigetsu-kakuzu team etc are easly achieved by f2p players these days.

    Few years ago we had like half of the coupons you could get per month, no moon/sun coins and shop so you had to completly choose between getting a ninja or power and there were no events such as fireworks, fuku deals, myoboku trials etc so trust me. Old timers survived those dark times and we can counter f2p setups pretty easly but there is a ton of absolute potato whales and other bad players so I can see them being controlled for 3 rounds straight up and then lose.

    Back in a day we were using similar teams such as Swimsuit Temari - Susanno Itachi - Masked Man - Wind main impetus pre skill trials era etc so control teams were always good idea in general. If you dont have strong pos1 ninja yourself just cheese your way up with control or Zetsu

I totally get you bro. I am also a 2017 player. I know those stuffs too, hopefully I remember xD hehe. Yeah I am used to grinding for frags myself. Well F2Ps nowadays got more OPs like kushina, kurenai summer, edo nagato given for free last time I checked (and mny more) And based on the screenshots, kurenai is not a good choice.

Well I am actually in a much newer server so this is what I can offer haha.

And as what I already presented, these setups can match with some other above average ninjas, with BTs and on. Well, if we really want to help, we c*so suggest for other lineups to help them reached 6paths. As of now this is what I can give. Hehe

I assume people come here for that, to suggest for better lineup :) afterall this thread is all about helping. I only pray they are the generic ninjas.

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On 2021-07-24 16:35:38Show this Author Only

9999999999 uchiha madara

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On 2021-07-24 17:50:01Show this Author Only

I just came to say, as someone who is both a heavy whale and a F2P, these teams won't beat either.

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On 2021-07-24 19:30:34Show this Author Only

Oh ok noted. :) I just wonder what free ninjas you have, both "f2p and p2w" player (not sure if that f2p is your alt or something tho - no offense hehe).

Tho I might not wanna know, I might be disappointed given the overall idea of this topic. Ofc f2ps at server 1 would have much much more options than even some big whales in server s1000. What more for f2ps in those ranges. Hope you get the point, don't take it literally xD

Well it is up to us how we deeply understand the topic being presented. Everyone has their own opion.

I am sure during our previous discussion regarding this matter, we already established the cir*stances as to how these teams where created. To fully break it down, I can only offer these lineups, at the moment, for others given my current situation. And some of the results were already presented. :)

Anyways. You have a point, maybe.

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On 2021-07-24 19:33:22Show this Author Only

Just incase anyone missed a crucial detail: "In the actual battle, another set of strategy will take place. Creating a decent lineup is one thing, but executing the battle strategy is another thing if you want to win. Afterall, not all players know how to actually do it so better take advantage of the situation. Timing is very important here!" as I stated above.

Ofc there are old players(even strong f2ps)/P2Ws that have powerful ninjas. But not all really knows how to properly use them. It's like playing chess, one has to make 1 wrong move, then the other will take it all. If you are equiped with a decent team then there is a high chance of winning. But if your Foe is not that skilled, even tho having OPs, and you are not equiped with proper knowledge and ninjas, then you have a very small chance of hitting sage of six paths ranking :3 Some of the very effective examples of this are shown above (screenshots).

Well anyways, it might be helpful to others if we can post more suggestions for Arena Lineup. THAT IS IF WHAT OUR GOAL IS TO HELP, and not just to jump into the trend and to make ourselves look better. :) Agian, generalizing.

I understand that we are allowed to speak freely. But as much as possible I actually don't want to make this post a sensation LOL. And also, I don't wanna respond on every single replies for expalining the same idea over and over. It would realy help if others will deep dig before actually commenting. (Although I appreciate eveyrone's input/time/effort for sharing their thoughts). Hope all understands. The more this topic is being up-ed, the more haters are getting annoyed. I fully understand that hahaha

Off-topic: Anyways, I am onto something. About R&D, I've been seeing some bugs there lately tho I don't have a proof. Maybe this sunday or monday I can confirm it. Then hopefully it would be my last post xD

This post was last edited by NýĠMA on 2021-07-24 19:33:49.
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On 2021-07-25 10:44:49Show this Author Only

First of all i want to thank you for the training, it was very useful for the arena and i managed to defeat naruto six BT with choji. Thank you very much, I even adapted the training and did one of my own and managed to catch the six paths.

Quicky Post

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