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[ Bugs ] Am I being DDoSed? Please help!


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  • Registered: 2018-11-29
  • Topics: 8
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On 2021-07-17 20:16:27Show All Posts

to start with your question, no you are not ddos-ed , distributed denial of service is when someone floods your internet so much till your internet service provider stops your internet entirely for a period, entirely not parts of it, what you are experiencing probably is either a authentification bug (not login but ip, sort of some services sees your ip as banned or something) or it might be as someone stated in other post countries or regions banning oasis's ips, but if you said you managed to log in might be something temporal only (iv experienced the same stuck at i think 54% but got fixed the same day for me and yes nothing from cache to dns to anything worked it just start working again, now that i think about it seems more from a server side problem)

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