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[ Bugs ] Oasis, we need to talk.


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  • Registered: 2021-07-15
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On 2021-07-16 09:20:09Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I think I can safely say that it is already known to everyone the case of these players on new servers who have been abusing in inappropriate ways to take advantage of other players early in the game. The way they do this is also known, is through the ''Cheat Engine'' tool. Going straight to the point, it is disappointing that even aware of all this, with evidence, the players themselves confessing that they do it constantly, and there is no punishment.

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In the attached image above, we have the newly released server S1762 Genma(07/15) strength ranking, and the image was taken at 21:09:05. Here are the names, the proof, and nothing can be done? Something MUST be done about it!

~ S1762 - Loihz.

This post was last edited by Luizgmf on 2021-07-16 09:20:09.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-16 12:45:30Show this Author Only

Hello, are you saying these players are using an exploit to gain power faster than intended? Or a * to run their account for them?

  • Registered: 2021-07-15
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On 2021-07-16 13:01:17Show this Author Only
  • tylermotoki On 2021-07-16 12:45:30
  • Hello, are you saying these players are using an exploit to gain power faster than intended? Or a * to run their account for them?

Hello! Not exactly.

What I said was that these players (more specifically, these level 33(or above 25)) used a program to cheat on the newly launched server S1762. There were confessions of these about entering the server ''before launch'', being able to get experience from the ''previous day'' of the opening and even redeem the prizes from the 7 day event (these players had the 2-star ninja Temari already recruited), among other abuses like unlocking systems before the estimated level, teleporting inside the map (facilitating convoy), etc. There is no way to cover up, or deny that players who reached level 33 on the first day of the server, without daily events that could help in this feat, didn't cheat/they admitted!

Thank you in advance for your attention.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-17 11:58:38Show this Author Only

Okay, thank you for specifying, I have reported these players.

  • Registered: 2019-06-21
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On 2021-07-19 22:40:42Show this Author Only

Hi, I see we went through the same disorder.

Ok... Talking to the BR team, they guided me that the best and perhaps the only way for something to be done is with a mass complaint. So if you want to continue this, Tylermotoki told me to go Misbehaviour thread. So MAYBE if you go to at my post in Page 82 and try to reinforce it with extra informations or in some other way MAYBE this be solved...

Quicky Post

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