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[ Fanfiction ] Naruto Online Anniversary Event: Fanfic Section


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-14 12:20:14Show All Posts

Server ID: 77 - Mabui

In Game ID name : Larachell

UID: 200000087496854

--Create your own breakthrough event:



--Mystery: Hanabi Style - Protective 8 Trigrams 32 Palms [Prompt]: Cause damage, 16 COMBO and Acupuncture to a selected opponent’s unit.

Battlefield Cooldown : 0

Mystery Cooldown : 3

Chakra : 20

--Mystery +1: Hanabi Style - Protective 8 Trigrams 32 Palms [Prompt]: Cause damage, 16 COMBO and Acupuncture and Defense Reduction 8% (stackable) to a selected opponent’s unit.

Battlefield Cooldown : 0

Mystery Cooldown : 3

Chakra : 20

--Mystery +2: Hanabi Style - Protective 8 Trigrams 32 Palms [Prompt]: Cause damage, 32 COMBO and Acupuncture and Defense Reduction 8% (stackable) to a selected opponent’s unit.

Battlefield Cooldown : 0

Mystery Cooldown : 2

Chakra : 20

--Mystery Y: Hanabi Style - Protective 8 Trigrams 32 Palms [Prompt]: Cause damage, 16 COMBO and Acupuncture to a selected opponent’s unit. Hanabi c*e 2 Mysteries in 1 Round.

Battlefield Cooldown : 0

Mystery Cooldown : 3

Chakra : 20

--Standard Attack: Hanabi Style - Kunai Attack: Attacks the opponent's front row and has a chance of causing Repulsed and Ignition.

--Standard Attack +1: Hanabi Style - Kunai Attack: Attacks the opponent's front row and has a chance of causing Repulsed, Ignition and Tag.

--Standard Attack +2: Hanabi Style - Kunai Attack: Attacks the opponent's front row and has a chance of causing Repulsed, Ignition and Tag. Hanabi's Mystery Cooldown is decreased in 1.

--Standard Attack Y: Hanabi Style - Kunai Attack: Attacks the opponent's front row and has a chance of causing Repulsed, Ignition and Tag. Increases Target's Mystery Cooldown in 1.

--Chase 1: Hanabi Style - Mad Attack: Chase and Attacks Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown. Can be triggered up to 2 times each Round.

--Chase 1 +1: Hanabi Style - Mad Attack: Chase and Attacks Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown. Additionally deals 50% splash damage to units 1 grid away from the target . Can be triggered up to 2 times each Round.

--Chase 1 Y: Hanabi Style - Mad Attack: Chase and Attacks Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown and increases own Attack and Ninjutsu by 8%. Can be triggered up to 2 times each Round.

--Chase 2: Hanabi Style - Rotation: Triggered with at least 30 COMBO, causes damage and Acupuncture to 2 units of the opponent's Lineup. Will also cause Acupuncture to yourself.

--Chase 2 +1: Hanabi Style - Rotation: Triggered with at least 30 COMBO, causes damage and Acupuncture to 3 units of the opponent's Lineup. Will also cause Acupuncture to yourself.

--Chase 2 +2: Hanabi Style - Rotation: Triggered with at least 30 COMBO, causes damage and Irremovable Acupuncture which neglects Immunity for 1 Round to 3 units of the opponent's Lineup. Will also cause Acupuncture and Chaos to yourself.

This post was last edited by Saphiell on 2021-07-14 12:28:49.
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