In Game Name: Iris
UID: 200000090087544
My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey
My Server Region: UK
1. Freezing level and making as much power as I could in moment on that specific level. Leveling up only when I am without any other option.
2. Focusing on ini before anything else. Was followed by crit, injury, control. Attack and Ninjutsu came as next in row. Everything else came after that.
3. Reminding myself not to rush for brand new features before collecting all data I could and make plan or 2....or 10.
4. Not watching at cupons. Bloody hell, it will collect over time, just don't watch it. Ended up as bad habit since I'm lazy to spend now xD
5. Doing 20+ times calculations before spending any single cupon (tho wasn't that all wasn;t needed that much)
6. Searching for advises when I'm not sure what to go for or pick. There are plenty of players smarter than me, searching for help was never shame /shrug
7. *yzing done, searching for mistakes, comparing to expected.
8. Write conclusion somewhere (and forget it exists until critical moment)
9. Repeat
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