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[ Suggestions ] Uchiha Sasuke (Final Valley)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-12 15:27:32Show All Posts

EDIT: Asked you some questions before about cooldown and counter but to be honest after thinking about it for a bit more it doesn't matter I can give my thoughts about it right now.

1) This Sasuke would get absolutly stomped by 6p Naruto, 10T Madara, 10T Obito, ETR Madara, (soon Gengetsu BT), 6path Pain, hell even Kushina would easly deal with him. I dont know what you guys are talking about this Sasuke being "op". He is terrible and here is why:

- super easy to deal with since he has no mystery reset and probably chakra cost 40 so suigetsu/kimimaro or some chakra lock and this Sasuke is done basicly

- no clue if we are playing same game but you guys realise like he said that THERE ARE ninjas already in the game with better scalings aka Gengetsu, Madara, Obito, Naruto (yes way more consistent and higher scaling overall, in group fights like db/gnw not even close) etc

- chase is basicly impossible to proc in 1vs1 even if you give Sasuke 2nd standard (btw I want to also know how will you give him this 2nd standard, are you putting ramen naruto into your team? or killer bee ? cuz sasuke is not anbu so anbu itachi who would be still a joke also doesnt work)

Chase simulation for you in 1vs1 -> Sasuke standard 16 chase -> Main ninja 10trigger chase -> enemy ninja dodges and combo is broken, after 2nd standard from scratch how you are procing another 40 dude. Don't even bother telling me that not everybody has chase dodge cuz for this scenario basic dodge also works since his standard is undodgeable so 10 trigger Gamariki chase will be dodged by Naruto for example.

- no self sustain passive or leech

In the end you are just doing 1 standard per round with this sasuke, 99,99% impossible to proc that chase so no chase at all in 1vs1 scenario (in db still hard, in gnw easly possible) and if you are very lucky just 1 mystery every 2 rounds with nothing special effect and barely average scaling.

Scaling of round 1 20% lets say people dont die round 2 so 40% round2 then 5% scaling round 3 (safe to assume backline died) and 25% round 4 is absolute meme tier nothing crazy about it.

Final thoughts, I would change a bit your Sasuke and make it as 20k coupons base ninja for future skill trials that would boost him into pos1 Ninja stronger than 6p Naruto. If he is supposed to be Tsukuyomi ninja then hell no, he is worse than pre skill trials 10T Madara.

2) Don't change your thinking just because 2 people said something is broken, your initial thought process was correct, this Sasuke should be way stronger. We can try to make better version based on your idea cuz in general I would say it's really good but need to know what are we cooking? Tsukuyomi Ninja or 3star base for future skill trials ?

I also think that Tencent should consider new line of ninja release cuz 3star ninjas that are good are Tsukuyomi only and thats mad annoying. I understand that 20k coupons ninja should be weaker and only skill trials can boost ninja to higher power scaling level but then here is a twist. Why not release a ninja with skill trial system instantly so he is ~50k coupons, strong from day1 instead of waiting months praying his skill trials come out to fix him

This post was last edited by Kiriya. on 2021-07-12 18:21:29.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-12 20:02:22Show All Posts

It's not the worst case scenario its literally what will happen 99% of the fights and it's hard to tell who makes money decision for our version Oasis or forced by Tencent.

Im not downplaying anything, ninja in this state is straight up weak compared to Naruto, Madara and Obito. He has nothing going on for him that would make him compete with those. 1 standard, No mystery reset, No real immunity to debuffs, No sustain, Way worse scaling than those above, No splash damage, No chases basicly in 1vs1 scenario.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-12 20:22:54Show All Posts

My "upgraded" version of your idea for Sasuke [Final Valley], Im not huge Sasuke fan. Balanced this ninja around current power houses such as 6p Naruto, 10T Madara, ETR Madara and 10T Obito. No point in making a "hype" ninja like new Sasuke with skillset way worse than current meta.

>Mystery1: Rinne-Sharingan:

Deals damage to the selected unit while canceling any shields and buffs. The unit will also suffer from unreflectable strong chaos for 2 rounds. After that this skill alternates to Ultimate Susano’o – Indra’s Arrow.

Damage type: Pure ninjutsu no element

Chakra cost: 20

Cooldown: 0/2

^ Kind of like Edo itachi mystery but unreflectable with Animation similar to Indra's mystery 1

>Mystery2: Ultimate Susano’o - Indra’s Arrow

Causes heavy undodgeable Lightning damage, 4-COMBO, Paralysis up to 12 enemy units, Repulse and 40% splash damage 2 grids away from targets. This skill has fixed chakra cost and cooldown. After that this skill alternates to Rinne-Sharingan

Damage type: Tai/Nin Lightning element

Chakra cost: 40

Cooldown 1/2

^Splash mechanics and random targeting same as ETR Madara +2 mystery just lower % but higher grid count. Chakra cost and cooldown fixed meaning it can't be reset via passives and can't be increased by enemy suigetsu/kisame/nagato ETC

->Standard: Susano’o Sword Crash

Deals damage up to 4-6 enemies from the enemy field, causes 5 Combo. Sasuke’s attack and ninjutsu is increased by 5% for every enemy unit he hits with this skill.

Damage type: Tai/Nin no element

->Chase: Inferno Style Honoikazuchi

Triggered with at least 30 COMBO, cause undodgeable fire damage to 4 targets from enemy team and irremovable Ignition that neglects immunity and lasts till the end of the round. This skill ignores defense and resistance partially.

Damage type: Pure ninjutsu Fire element

^Similar to Indra's chase just undodgeable but less targets hit

->Passive: Rinnegan Preta Path

When Sasuke gets attacked with mystery damage (splash counts) he empowers himself with enemy chakra used. For each 10 chakra absorbed increases attack and ninjutsu by 5% and heals himself for 2,5% based on maximum life. For each 40 chakra absorbed Sasuke gets additional standard attack. The amount of chakra absorbed carries to the next round.

^I think counter is amazing and cool idea but really hard to add in this game, its completly broken or bad not really middle ground so changed it to this passive. Not 100% sure about the numbers since it's a bit hard to find sweet spot between 1vs1 and 3vs3 scenario but I think something like this would be cool. So everybody understands, Sasuke doesn't steal chakra but upgrades himself by the amount of chakra absorbed from enemy mystery attack. Example: If he gets hit by Naruto mystery thats 20 chakra "absorbed" and he gets 5% tai/nin + 4% healing. Amount absorbed doesn't reset per round and when enemy Naruto does mystery again round 2 you get same 5% tai/nin + 4% heal but also additional standard attack since the counter didn't reset - 20+20 = 40 boom triggered 2nd part of passive.

->Passive: Perfect Susanoo

Sasuke is Immune to Low Float, High Float, Knockdown, Repulse, all debuffs and Super Armor suppression.

^Same passive as Susanno Itachi upgraded by immunity to super armor supression.

This Ninja should be Tsukuyomi exclusive or released as 3 star and skill trials on the same day, skill trials obviously unlocked by upgrading him to 4 stars. Each frag ~250 coupons.

This post was last edited by Kiriya. on 2021-07-12 20:45:42.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-13 00:06:18Show All Posts
  • Sambadi On 2021-07-12 23:30:10
  • Well i made this Sasuke to be strong and able to fairly battle with most ninjas but not too strong and ppl still found him op without even having good scaling. But since i dont possess any of the current op ninjas i wasnt sure how true that is. Your idea is way better than mine and i like it but its pretty similar with Indra and as u said gonna be Tsukuyomi event only and dont want that. Also why my counter passive would be hard to be add in game though?, there are ninjas already with this skill that i copied it from, like Hiashi. And lastly i wanted to hear other player thoughts on this and add their ideas too.


Like I said that Sasuke could be also post skill trial version instead of Tsukuyomi but I would really hate if next Sasuke was bad and then we would have to wait 6 months for skill trials to be released. So I suggested complete product in Tsukuyomi or just drop the ninja with skills trials added on release.

The problem with your counter passive is that if it counters undodgeable attacks then that Sasuke in 1vs1 fight would be untouchable (kill backline and then first 2 attacks aka mystery and standard always countered meaning enemy can't touch you at all). Your passive would be alright I think if you removed dodge part from it, Counters would counter first 2 attacks that are not undodgeable and that's it. It's still way better than regular very high chance dodge since you can counter 2 attacks instead of dodging 1 and you deal some damage as well.

As for regular counter passives that are not worded like yours " counters first X numbers of attacks " It's very risky move and could go wrong asap. There are counter passives like Hiashi that have not high fixed % chance for counter to happen and that could be alright but if you put Evasion based counter (like Kimono Mabui's) for position 1 ninja then with his pos1 stacked stats you would not be able to touch him at all. Obviously would have to choose if that counters works vs undodgeable attacks as well or not. Everybody can agree that dodge from Taka Suigetsu is mad annoying and imagine instead pos1 ninja who counters 50% of attacks per round undodgeable hits included.

EDIT: Misread your counter passive, for some reason thought you gave him dodge AND counters. Since it's same as what I said above it could be fine but it can't counter undodgeable attacks for sure. If we remove my Preta Path talent and use yours counter then we have to upgrade his scaling via last passive or some standard gaining ability

This post was last edited by Kiriya. on 2021-07-13 00:28:28.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-13 01:21:38Show All Posts

True, forgot its dual element. Noticed that in my explanation of Rinnegan Preta path % are a bit mixed up - my bad, the final version is in passive not explanation. Changed it like 10times cuz this passive was very hard to balance. Low % seemed bad but when put in GNW scenario where Sasuke would be hit by 120 chakra mysteries that scaling would get very high [nothing wrong with that in my opinion, people who have Obito know how disgusting his scaling is so Sasuke also deserves powerful one]

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-13 03:52:56Show All Posts
  • Sambadi On 2021-07-13 03:03:48
  • Funny thing the Rinne Sasuke we got does Amaterasu/Chidori Mystery and has only Lightning dmg for some reason & his inferno chase has no element if im not mistaken, so many bad things on this char.

It didnt bother me before but since ETR Madara barrier got added im triggered everytime when i check some ninjas for elemental dmg to proc poison. Lazy design that backfired right now

I think i wanted to use deidara and was sure his standard does fire/earth damage (i mean it does ignite like Sasuke lol) to proc aoe poison but its non elemental mind*n

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