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[ News ] Server Merge Requests - Week of July 6th


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On 2021-07-27 15:42:07Show All Posts
  • Xpher On 2021-07-21 11:09:45
  • lol banmido/destroyerer only quit cause Uchiha and EliteMasters was too toxic and he said it himself they only have themselves to blame for losing another whale. the narrative that they aren't harassing s6 players isn't true I've sent mountains of evidence to moderators of the game. they can't even handle that we just requested that we don't want the merge not like we are the deciding factor alone they are really low iq like tsunade said. others probably quit in droves cause of their toxicity oasis if they want to kill off s6 let them get the merge lol this isn't a money making merge but some people must learn the hard way.

Lol I heard he even talk you guys also as a bad server don't think this bandmido a two face only be there just to ''test'' your believing his words behind you guys back.

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