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[ News ] Server Merge Requests - Week of July 6th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-19 18:41:56Show All Posts
  • On 2021-07-19 12:00:46
  • 1.Server ID: S6 (S8 - S10 - S12)

    2. Server Region: LA

    3. Server Age: Estimated 5 years - Merged 1st time roughly 3 years ago with S8 and S10, and then more recently with S12.

    4. Time taken to kill World Boss: Roughly 6+ minutes

    5. World Boss HP on Sunday: 1,000,000,000

    6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3 (would be 4 but there's a group that doesn't sign up for it. And only 4 during XGNW)

    7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 7391,501 , AVG Top 10: 1,229,858, AVG Top 20: 1,012,666

    S6 will only accept a cluster merge, we not accept a server merge with S2 /S4, especially with their attack on Xpher in the forum. And their attack on our GL and other players in Discord and by insults being thrown by them in events at our players too. Cluster merge or you'll find most S6 players quit. If you want to have more active events, merging us with them won't help any, we need a cluster merge for there to be more activity, we have plenty of activity in our current merged servers and we don't want no drama that's been going on with s2 / s4 to affect us more then it already has. If you look at the screen shots, you'll see there's another group that qualifies for war, they just don't sign up for it.

    GNWServer Ranking pt 3XGNWServer Ranking pt 2Group ActivityServer Ranking pt1

Please listen to this request. You have others saying "listen to our voices" but what about S6's voices, the constant feedback we've been giving that we don't want a server merge? Please don't force us into something we don't want. We are once again being attacked in this very thread by someone who also attacked Xpher. Please understand we don't want the server merge. We only want a cluster merge. Server merges inherently lead to people leaving / quiting. It would also negatively impact the revenue currently coming in from S6 now, because whales in S6 have already said they'll quit if it happens.
We're being accused of being alts yet we're the ones posting new information and not simply responding to someone else's post
The hypocripsy is disturbing and obvious, just another reason we don't want a merge with S2 / S4.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-20 06:52:41Show All Posts
  • darkside116 On 2021-07-20 03:01:56
  • I don't know who this Xpher player is nor do I care who he is but whoever in s6 need to grow up and come together and merge with us so we can have some more fun in wars n stuff cause than likely you will merge with us whether you like it or not cause oasis wants to keep its game up to make more money xD.

Doesn't matter if you know or don't know who Xpher is, what matters is that said player was attacked after voicing an opinion / suggestion... by players from S2 and S4. Some of these same players attacked other S6 players in discord. What incentive do we have to merge with the players who did this to our own server mates?

None, absolutely zero incentive. S6 is letting their opinion be heard while S2 and S4 players continue to attack, insult and belittle us (telling us to grow up is toxic and uncalled for).

Stop trying to force it on us, the whole point of this thread is to request merges, which is exactly what the S6 players are doing by making their posts. They're requesting a merge.... a Cluster Merge. The only merge that we will happily agree to. We already lost 3 whales from S2 and S4 pushing a server merge, more are set to follow if it goes
through. So the only conclusion we can make, is that S2 and S4 are perfectly fine with damaging S6's player base by trying to force a server merge we don't want.

Quicky Post

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