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[ Bugs ] Naruto's froggy closed too soon


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 17
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On 2021-07-07 03:42:33Show All PostsDescending Order
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Purchase period in Naruto's froggy has closed a bit too soon. In event it says purchase period is 7/1 - 7/6 and it's still 6th day. But when I try to get a froggy, I get a message "Event is over". A bug, event closed early on last day? Or something wrong with dates, since they are shown 7/1 - 7/6 instead of 1/7 - 6/7?

I was planning of getting froggy to get more coupons for Fuku, since it's usually after froggy week, but this stopped that plan. Normaly I'd wait till wednesday to see is Fuku good, but froggy purchasing lasting only 6 days instead of normal 7 prevented that. If froggy is larger than coupons I already have and I'd want it, this bug is going to hurt me. I might not event be only one, who is in this position.

It's like Oasis dosen't want us to use our recharged ingots anymore. This really makes me think about recharging anymore in the future.


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 17
  • Posts: 337
On 2021-07-08 17:15:41Show All Posts

Since it was found out Froggy closing early was just a visual bug and it was already closed during day 6, I have just one more question. Why this froggy was only 5-day one? I don't think I remember a froggy, that wasn't ful week (7 days) one. Having only partial week event makes it harder for players to decide should they need to take part in Froggy for next week. In my own case, I was late to take part, because I didn't have info about what events were on next (now current) week and was still doubting.

Having full 7-day Naruto's froggys in the future might get more people wiling to spend on it, since they know on wednesday at least should they need it. That would prevent this happening again at the same time.

Quicky Post

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