Views: 72398 | Replies: 79
[ Lineup ] Best fire combo lineup


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  • Registered: 2018-01-02
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On 2018-02-03 10:31:51Show All Posts
  • On 2016-11-25 05:09:59
  • I use sasuke(currently 2 stars), hinata 3* and shizune 3*. this combo is a 7/8 combo and all depends on either hinata's taijutsu attack(which is preety common) and your main's mystery. mystery:dragon flame jutsu, attack: fire flame jutsu, passive : fire ball and genjutsu mirror. I havent got to the third passive or summons yet(im only lvl 38). This team triggers combos after combos. shizune is your healer. your main does his mystery, chases with his fire ball jutsu, sasuke does heaven's barrage which causes repulse and activate hinata's acupunture(controls the enemy and doesnt let them use skills for 3 rounds). somewhere between this combo, shizune comes in and because of her, this combo repeats which causes the combo to increase significantly. when the combo is over 10, sasuke activates fire ball and your main combos off that as well. this combo is enough to defeat an enemy between 1k-3k health. anymore than that and you will need to either do this twice or use sasuke's chidori(which is in the next round) and the combo activates again. pretty sick right?

What slots to put them in lol use the number thing to tell me the formation

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