2016-09-29 01:13:02
hi and sry first of all !.. i dont wanna complain like everyone else...
last time i asked why we cant have events details 1 day before...was given a shady explanation as to how things work and boss dont give u permision or w.e
its kinda hurtfull to be honest...im in between pay to win and f2p and im sitting here...strategising the best i can....im in between spending alot on refines and waiting for tomorrow events.
i really think is hurtfull if someone spends 10k on refines today...and tomorrow a nice patch / events comes in...ppls might quit the game due to such a thing. Is it really that bad for u guys to let us know them 1 day before?? And if u really cant, can we have a solid explanation why? Sry to bother everryone.
How about you just hold onto it and wait for events to come? Patterns have repeat since this game came out, IE Summon rebates, seal rebates, and refinement events. People are impatient and want to rush to get things done. Haste makes waste. Just hoard and explode all resources on event.