1.Server ID: S1647
2. Server Region: LA
3. Server Age: Estimated 2+ months
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: Timeout, or 1min (depends on whether 1 particular player shows up)
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 12M~
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1, but our group struggles to hit 200 activity due to most quitting
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 106115 (top 1 is 345K, average of 2-5 is only 46K
Top 10: 70.5k
Top 20: 41.9k
** Note that only about 10 players are active of the top 20, including mostly alts. One player is a big spender and boosts the servers averages significantly as well. Please merge before the last quit!
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