Accusing each other of things, or arguing is not the use of this section of the forums. If you have a complaint against any GL or other employee, please let me know privately, and I will have it looked at. I will be deleting the majority of the posts here, and closing this thread, as its original intention was to request that a merge does not happen, which has been passed along numerous times. I have spoken with those that need to be spoken with, and have passed along that players from this server do not wish for a merge, which has also been expressed by the GLs involved. If you wish to report a GL for misrepresenting the server's interests, or harassment, please do so through the Misbehavior Thread, or by informing me through PMs, with screenshots.
I deleted all posts, aside from the original. All posts have indeed been read, and all information regarding the original topic has been considered, the merging of the two servers in question. I understand the argument against this merger, and this has all been passed along. Please remember to keep things cordial here, and keep things directed at the original topic.
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