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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 29th of April


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On 2021-04-30 08:34:33Show All Posts
  • Esquartejador On 2021-04-30 01:20:28
  • Its not vocal minority, its just a minority that comes here to complain. Everyone has the right to complain whether you agree or not. Just to be clear I never came here to complain and some complains here are not asking for the free ninja, for example, to be a sasuke rinne or a madara gnw. Whats funny is a f2p comes here to complain and who gets more triggered are p2w. Let people say whatever they want as long they dont insult anyone, but to say to ignore thats just dumb

"Let people say whatever they want as long they don't insult anyone"

Have you read the forum chats? The people that contribute to the complaints are more likely to insult people. In the past, I called them out for their childish behaviour and they go around and say I'm silencing them. If you are not capable of voicing your concerns without acting a child, then don't voice it until you learn how to communicate. Learn to take criticism as well since most of you cannot and just attack people for not agreeing with your thoughts.

However, I do want to acknowledge there are people that I see that are capable of voicing their concerns in a serious manner but majority of the times, all I see is kids not getting what they think they should get.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2021-04-30 08:40:34.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-04-30 19:58:17Show All Posts
  • Esquartejador On 2021-04-30 16:47:32
  • you just gave me more reason. I didnt defend anyone acting childish or even wrote any complain. I never wrote a single complain about the game or events since I play the game. I dont care if there are p2w at the game and I get beaten on sage or others. I play the game to have fun and its not stuff like that will make me mad. But you think just f2p complain? why should a p2w come here to write messages towards players that are not being toxic calling them mfk? whys should they get more upset if they are in a good position in the game? thats what triggers me. its like a person that have very rich parents complaining that a poor person is asking for food to feed themself

I never said anything about f2ps. My point is about voicing concerns. There have been p2ws that have complained as well in the past. People like the guy about you are great examples to point out the toxic behaviour. I called out their behaviour and point out that Oasis's past actions won't live up to their expectations. You know what they usually do? They excuse me for defending Oasis just like the child about you. I called out one child for spamming the forum about their love of a certain character and them giving awful advice just so it benefits them because they always post their Youtube video, they get angry and curse at me in Brazilian in a PM and now the child doesn't post anymore, which is good.

Anyone with a brain could figure out Oasis won't release content that benefits the entire community and only care to maximize profits. When people suggest OP ninjas to be given out for free when based on past rewards are not, that isn't likely. The only decent change they have done in the past 4 years was asking the community what ninjas they want in fireworks and gifting hasirama new years. Every other decision was to benefit them or a decision that could have pissed off whales. So when you said let people say whatever they want as long they don't insult anyone is unlikely to happen because majority of the people here cannot voice their concerns without acting like a child.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2021-04-30 20:05:52.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-04-30 22:40:33Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2021-04-30 20:57:55
  • "The people that contribute to the complaints are more likely to insult people."

    its funny that in this week we have the people that complains then a wild "p2w" guy calling people names and how stronk he is due to his money... kinda going backwards of your statement... and is not the single example of whales wannabe calling people names cuz state some obvious things

Yeah it's poor timing but overall, you know my statement is true since you're a regular on the forum.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2021-04-30 22:43:33.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-05-02 20:34:44Show All Posts
  • Hofuandou On 2021-05-02 13:50:58
  • Nobody blames you, these are facts and that's it. As soon as someone scolds Oasis, how literally an hour later you appear and begin to defend, it is a fact

    , you always took the side of the Oasis and never for others, it is a fact, do not be hypocritical and write that you are unfairly accused.

If you actually read my points in the past, It's never defending Oasis. Just stating that people should look at Oasis's past behaviour is not defending them. If people bothered to look at their behaviour, you can figure out yourself if a suggestion is likely to happen or not. based on your profile, you have been playing this game for at least 2 years. You should have figure out what Oasis is willing to do in terms of events. However, every time time comment, you act like you are surprised by their actions just like you did with this week. If you paid attention, at least once a month has this type of week. If you refuse to pay attention, that's your issue. Just because I called out people like you for not doing so and acting rude doesn't mean I'm defending Oasis.

You also had an issue with reading as well as you made that naruto comment. I never sad naruto 6p BT is bad. All I said is that playuers (especially f2ps) will slow down sage and training grounds. I cannot say this for everyone but overall scores for my sage bracket are lower than ever since naruto's BT came in. I doubt you paid attention to notice so you won't care about this fact. Seriously, don't confuse having a different opinion of yours of "dEfEnDiNg oAsIs". You ignored the fact I called Oasis for not releasing events that should have been here already earlier this week (and many other weeks) but I guess it doesn't fit the narrative of me being bad because I disagree with your opinion.

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On 2021-05-02 20:45:34Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2021-05-02 20:28:39
  • i wish i was as naive as you... to think that something is free... nothing is free... if something is "free" you are the product, you are the one "sold" but you dont understand marketing nor economics and how companies like this can make a ton of money from free users, most of you think that the only money they get is from whales lol

I cannot say for others but I understand that whales isn't the only source of money for gaming companies but they are the majority source and focus of their revenues. You know that majority of businesses in the world only care for short-term profits and never care about long-term as shareholders don't care about that. This mindset will not change. Due to this reason, you end up seeing business practices that go against the consumer.

And for anyone to read this and think "oH YoU'Re dEfEnDiNg oAsIs", then go read a book on current events.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2021-05-02 20:49:54.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-05-03 20:10:51Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2021-05-03 08:34:23
  • i'd argue about the percentage of the total revenue coming from whales, it is big but don't think is something like 75-25 cuz its not that simple, there are multiple financial sources, again im not saying you are wrong or whatnot im saying that the percentages might not be as high as you think of...

Considering there are several articles and videos on this topic, usually whales contribute the majority of the income. I'd wish this wasn't as the overall player base would get more bargaining power but I haven't see any information that would support your view.

Quicky Post

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