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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 29th of April


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  • Registered: 2020-02-21
  • Topics: 4
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On 2021-04-29 14:15:19Show All Posts
  • S971DrObitology On 2021-04-28 19:05:20
  • god, too many crying f2p mfk here. hahaha. cash or leave this game. f2p are just our punchin bag anyway^^

    crazy lucky slot!!! yahoo!!! good event this week^^

Why are you like this? Why are you against people expressing their completely valid opinions? There is no need to take it personally. Better events would benefit you too, since it's more stuff for everybody. And if you are so concerned by f2p getting a few decent ninja for free...all I can conclude is that you are insecure, since in reality f2p getting some free fun mid-tier ninja is not going to make them be able to beat you suddenly.

  • Registered: 2020-02-21
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 291
On 2021-05-04 08:54:36Show All Posts
  • brensonlee On 2021-05-03 19:07:24
  • Reduce the amount of free resources and add a paywall to play. Forum access by players only. An amount as little as $5 would clean up this game very quickly.

So your reaction to some f2p complaining on the forums, who are a small, small minority of the total f2p playerbase, is to make the entire game paywalled? I doubt it would happen, but this is such a ridiculous proposal. You would screw over all the f2p who are just peacefully having fun and minding their own business in-game. Sure $5 is not a lot, but can you not see the flaws on principle? I also doubt a lot of people would have started playing in the first place if there was a entry fee.

Quicky Post

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