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[ Suggestions ] Ways to Prevent and Eliminate Toxic Culture


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On 2021-04-26 11:56:26Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I've been playing Naruto Online since 2017. Started out as a F2P player and ultimately ended up spending about $10-20 a month getting the platinum monthly card just to remain fairly competitive with the P2W players. For the most part, the experience I had in-game was great.

But after a while, I noticed little things that chipped away at my fun gaming experience over time.

In Arena, I've had players curse me out for "ruining the game" because I acquired rare or breakthrough ninjas and used them in my lineup. Considering the fact I've saved up coupons for months to get to where I am now, players will disregard that context. I don't often come across the same players who curse me out, but I come across different players who say the same thing. Then I realized, "What's the point in having Battle chat enabled during Arena?" Temporarily disable Battle chat in Arena mode and spare the needless drama.

Sage World Battlefields is one of my favorite PVP modes in the game. But more than ever, there's a greater power disparity between F2P and P2W players. It's easy to have a player with 1-2 million battle power wipe the floor except for the Sage World Arena event where there's a more even playing field. Tonight, I essentially had a mental breakdown over someone who's been tailing me for months in that mode. They win because the battle power disparity is about 800,000+ between us. I admittedly told them to eff off in Battle chat out of frustration. Then they called me out on a Discord server we both belong to. And I went off.

We need to reform Sage World Battlefields. This could be done in several ways. To prevent griefing, Oasis should look at reducing the amount of times the same player attacks the same opponent. Or if a limit can't be imposed, there should be a way to eliminate increasing the rage level after the same player attacks x amount of times. Or Sage World could be broken off into different modes based on a battle power range. For example, newbies with BP of 50,000-100,000 could have their own event while veterans with 600,000-1,000,000 could have their own. There are many ways to combat this effectively.

Those are just a few ideas. I'm strongly considering leaving the game, but it would be nice to see some progress on this front nonetheless.

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On 2021-04-26 14:28:32Show this Author Only

I agree with you completely, it has become worse over the years and it's only getting more toxic lately. Everyone is getting frustrated (me included) and then they lash out on other players even if it's not their fault they got matched - it's the silly matching system we have to endure and they have not improved it from the beginning of the game. I already had an idea on SWB where players with winning streaks can only attack players with a larger or similar winning streak, starting at 5 - so if you have a 5 match winning streak you can only attack someone with 5 or bigger streak, 10 match winning streak can only attack someone with 10+ winning streak, ... But it's been over a year that I proposed this change on my main account and it was "forwarded" to developers, but we all know this is just theid code for "delete this spam". I already abandoned my main accounts on different servers where I spent on monthly cards to raise coupons for Fuku faster, but since there is no positive feedback on changes from Oasis, I think I'll abandon my alt accounts too and just forget about this non-evolving game.

This post was last edited by ImSam on 2021-04-26 16:34:47.
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On 2021-04-27 09:06:40Show this Author Only

Hello, in regards to the first suggestion, please report any instances of misbehavior in this misbehavior thread, found here. However, I will pass along that you wish for this to be implemented. Personally, I typically minimize the message board when I go into pvp scenarios to avoid distractions, as well as the occasional harassment from other players.
Regarding the Sage reforms mentioned, having static sage brackets could potentially create a massive top bracket, especially after more time progresses and players gain power and reach this top bracket. Would you also this having a flowing bracket would work? So once a certain amount of players enter into the top bracket, the lower powered ones enter the lower powered brackets. I enjoy the idea you gave regarding attacking the same player multiple times, I shall pass all of the suggestions along, and clarify on the bracket suggestion when you reply.

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On 2021-04-27 12:03:29Show this Author Only

Hey Tyler,

Thank you for getting back to me.

I did report this person previously, but I didn't this time because the misconduct happened on a Discord server that's not operated by Naruto Online staff. With this particular individual, they've stalked me on PVP modes and attacked me repeatedly every time the opportunity was made available to them. Their line to me has always been, "Those are PVP modes, get over it," but it's hard to "get over" mechanics where they constantly have an unfair advantage. That's one of the reasons I proposed changes to Sage World Battlefields.

Minimizing the message board is a good suggestion. It's just that I see those comments sometimes and don't really see the point in having the Battle tab enabled when it's more likely than not those people don't play on the same server. It's just an opportunity for players to mouth off at each other.

A flowing bracket would definitely work. The only reason I didn't suggest it is that it could be a tricky thing to implement unless you have an established algorithm for detecting when players qualify for those brackets. I'd love to work with you on honing this suggestion further.

I will be taking a break from the game until I can see some of these suggestions implemented. I've made suggestions to developers before but haven't had much luck having any sort of dialogue. We'll see.

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On 2021-04-27 18:43:04Show this Author Only

There's no hope. Get it through your head. You really think you're the 1st person to voice this out here? Years ago, somebody must've said the same thing. Just shut up and play or leave. You will not be miss^^

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On 2021-04-28 01:17:51Show this Author Only
  • S971DrObitology On 2021-04-27 18:43:04
  • There's no hope. Get it through your head. You really think you're the 1st person to voice this out here? Years ago, somebody must've said the same thing. Just shut up and play or leave. You will not be miss^^

I'm not holding my breath.

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On 2021-04-28 06:00:49Show this Author Only
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On 2021-04-28 06:31:10Show this Author Only
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FYI - If you read my first post, I pretty much admitted to losing my cool and shouldn't have done that.

The user HisakoKuroko harassed me for several months in-game in every PVP mode and less so in Convoy & Plunder. I personally and civilly asked her to stop. She cursed me out. I reported her to Oasis in the Misbehavior Thread, took screenshots, and left it at that.

About three months ago, the harassment continued. Hisako camped me in Sage World and followed me throughout the map. Before I had the rare ninjas and full breakthroughs, I was raged out. Out of frustration, I cursed at her. At the time, she told me, "It's PVP. Deal with it." She would follow me throughout Training Grounds as well, but I didn't have as much of a problem with it because players aren't thrown out of the event if they lose x amount of times in a row.

About a week or so ago, I said something in group chat like, "I'm glad Hisako is attacking me less," and I was harassed by several members in group chat and private message for bringing it up. I told people to chill out.

After Hisako attacked me five times in a row in Sage on Sunday, I told her privately to eff off and meant that to remain private. Then she tagged me on Discord with the screenshot and harassed me. She wouldn't stop. No one stepped in. I lost my cool and left the Discord server belonging to a group I had a lot of fun times with otherwise.

Again, I shouldn't have written what I wrote, but it was out of frustration for months of stalking and harassment by a single player, which was way, way over the line.

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On 2021-04-28 07:27:13Show this Author Only
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On 2021-04-28 07:29:58Show this Author Only
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On 2021-04-28 07:36:23Show this Author Only
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On 2021-04-28 07:45:24Show this Author Only

I have previously stated where the misbehavior report can be found. This thread is not the place to argue about the misbehavior in question. If you think someone's actions are out of line, you should report them through that misbehavior thread, or through CS. I will be deleting all of the posts in this thread regarding the misbehavior, as this is a thread regarding suggestions that the writer thought could better Arena and Sage. I understand the frustration everyone here is feeling, but if you wish for something to happen, please create a report about the incident, following the guidelines in the first post on the misbehavior thread, or block the other player so you do not have to see the harassment, I understand that this does not change that things still occur.

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On 2021-04-28 07:46:49Show this Author Only
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On 2021-04-28 07:58:07Show this Author Only

Thank you, Tyler.

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On 2021-04-28 09:19:43Show this Author Only

lol a mod deleting another mod thread... priceless ;)

This post was last edited by edsan on 2021-04-28 09:27:21.
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On 2021-04-28 10:22:56Show this Author Only

I'm playing since August 2016 and this has been suggested numerous times. Fast forward to now nothing changes. It will be always like that, we low power players will be always a fodder to strong players. There's an instance in sage where these over 1m players 5 of them attacked me consecutively t's like they have a program that detects me. Same player IGN until my battle rage reached its maximum. High level power players doesn't attack each other. They make low power players their fodder to speed run the sage. Your suggestion make sense only of they can match sage base on power brackets that will be helpful and enjoyable to low power players. Also I'm wondering why they don't attack each other? It's like there's an internal agreement to avoid each other and attack low power players. Doesn't make sense to me. Why would you gain that much power to avoid those players with the same power as yours? Game doesn't make sense right now. Like 100k to 200k power bracket should be have their cluster. Power difference should be 100k only not 600k vs 1.3m power. I hope they approve this or make effort to make changes.

This post was last edited by Liez07 on 2021-04-28 10:24:16.
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On 2021-04-28 16:38:46Show this Author Only

When I write suggestions, I don't expect changes to come. I put them up just to say I have and go on the record.

One of the reasons I'm at peace with stepping back from this game is the fact that there's no direct communication or recognition from developers. You will have staff say, "I'll forward these suggestions to the developers." Do we know that they sent our suggestions over? No. We kinda take them at their word. Do we know the developers received them and are incorporating those suggestions into a new version of the game? No, because we don't have that direct engagement.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the developers see the suggestions but don't act on them because they know players will not leave en masse. Naruto Online is addictive. They built the game to be addictive. Players will complain, players will come and go, but there are little financial motive for them to make these improvements because they don't have the financial incentive to. The status quo works for them.

But at some point, the Naruto Online gaming experience becomes a grind and the euphoria you may get from getting rare ninjas or achieving full breakthroughs or increasing your stats is short-lived. There will always be those players who will invest more than you in microtransactions to gain the upper edge. The developers want you to be angry, give in and pay to compete. That's their big revenue driver. But for players like me, it *s to see the same players over and over again, experience the same results over and over again, and have that happen on a daily basis with no consequence or diminishing effect whatsoever.

After playing this game for four years and always feeling like I'm several steps behind, of course the aggravation got to me. Of course it did. And when I lost my cool, I had to ask myself, "Is it really worth it?" I'll be a few thousand ingots that no developer is going to write me and say, "We hear you. We get it. We're going to fix this." I'd be shocked. Then again, I probably spent $200-300 on this game, sadly. Speaking directly to the developers should be a perk, right?

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On 2021-04-28 19:53:22Show this Author Only
  • edsan On 2021-04-28 09:19:43
  • lol a mod deleting another mod thread... priceless ;)

meanwhile there are plenty of spam posts on the forum with hidden shady links to shady websites with possible malware... those are not deleted for days/weeks even never deleted...

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On 2021-04-29 12:17:41Show this Author Only
  • S08Kazuya On 2021-04-28 16:38:46
  • When I write suggestions, I don't expect changes to come. I put them up just to say I have and go on the record.

    One of the reasons I'm at peace with stepping back from this game is the fact that there's no direct communication or recognition from developers. You will have staff say, "I'll forward these suggestions to the developers." Do we know that they sent our suggestions over? No. We kinda take them at their word. Do we know the developers received them and are incorporating those suggestions into a new version of the game? No, because we don't have that direct engagement.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the developers see the suggestions but don't act on them because they know players will not leave en masse. Naruto Online is addictive. They built the game to be addictive. Players will complain, players will come and go, but there are little financial motive for them to make these improvements because they don't have the financial incentive to. The status quo works for them.

    But at some point, the Naruto Online gaming experience becomes a grind and the euphoria you may get from getting rare ninjas or achieving full breakthroughs or increasing your stats is short-lived. There will always be those players who will invest more than you in microtransactions to gain the upper edge. The developers want you to be angry, give in and pay to compete. That's their big revenue driver. But for players like me, it *s to see the same players over and over again, experience the same results over and over again, and have that happen on a daily basis with no consequence or diminishing effect whatsoever.

    After playing this game for four years and always feeling like I'm several steps behind, of course the aggravation got to me. Of course it did. And when I lost my cool, I had to ask myself, "Is it really worth it?" I'll be a few thousand ingots that no developer is going to write me and say, "We hear you. We get it. We're going to fix this." I'd be shocked. Then again, I probably spent $200-300 on this game, sadly. Speaking directly to the developers should be a perk, right?

seems like you already get it. the game won't improve cause they make most of their money on the cash cows. these cash cows who chase you around in sage pay thousands and thousands of $USD regularly for the right to lord over the plebs. its a huge difference in the amount of money they drop compared to you. how much you matter to the decision makers ranks just above the f2p fodder.

Quicky Post

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