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[ Suggestions ] Make more f2p ninja useful


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  • Registered: 2020-09-22
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On 2021-04-21 04:26:20Show All Posts
  • S971DrObitology On 2021-04-20 21:28:25
  • I throw my money however I want. nobody cheap opinions can stop me. u r the one assuming to know every single things. oasis, the en version, possess own way of economics. who r u to force this game rightful owner to follow the cn version. u nobody sir. this isnt democracy, get it right. let's say, if, a big if, the company wanted to toned down the price of things and be more friendly to f2p, thats good to everybody, not just u. u r not the victim here, so dont act like oasis force you to play here.

    oh, I find this funny. if what u gonna say will be deleted anyway, why do you even post here. shut up is a much better option for you.

    u like the cn version economics that much, why r u still here? it really depends to the rightful owner to even change anything.

    you really believe that oasis gonna change their economics just by you being a smartsss who knows everything and judge their method? like I said, get urself right first. then comeback here^^ u hate the way things r, get lost to the cn version. problem solved. if u read chinese :P

your nobody too,why dont u try 2 be f2p player?Bring your "I throw my money however I want. nobody cheap opinions can stop me" self somewhere else.

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