99% of people that are "chinese server experts" didn't ever play on that server so this "chinese server people dont stack p1" bs has to stop.
No, Chinese people stack pos1 ninjas like we do (it's the best way to play the game...) and they are as destroyed by Naruto splash calculations as other servers. Only people that have equal power P1-P4 are extreme whales who can't stack their P1 ninja anymore and it works like that for every server just CN has most of those people and for views those are in spacetime videos. Obviously nobody will showcase regular 800k player from CN but you can trust me that he has stacked pos1 only and is 1 shoted by splash like we are.
Splash damage should be nerfed cuz it's a problem for 95% of playerba
as far as what i saw in the past i'd say that, they probably (this is pure speculation) release ninjas with splash dodge or something, they always introduce a feature then after is overused in most ninjas than make ninjas with a gimmick to "counter" that (same with immunity and immunity ignore, same with chases and chase dodges and so on and so on) usually its called a "power creep" since past stuff is useless the moment the new feature starts to spread, so... as i said my speculation will be splash dodge and i guess splash reduction as cards... who knows
Well, there's totally no sign of splash mechanic will be remade into what you crybabies asked for. Splash is just another unique mechanic just like repulse. Most hate splash because you stack your P1, right. You totally just answered your own question. Don't stack P1. However, without stacking P1, you totally have no chance to win against higher power player, HAHA.
So, if you stack, that's your own problem, kid. Don't blame Oasis^^ Did Oasis teaches you to stack in the tutorial, no?
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