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[ Lineup ] Danzo [Izanagi] Breakthrough lineups


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On 2021-04-16 09:24:51Show All Posts
  • Perfect_Cell On 2021-04-12 23:15:19

  • Got the last two fragments of itachi susanoo today, pieced this lineup together. It's very decent.
    I switched from wind to fire main because CC is really vital to have a slight chance of surviving in this naruto sosp meta. Use yellow shark summon for combo.
    As the battle starts use Guy on Danzo, it'll make his mystery cost drop to 0 chakra in round 2.
    Guy gives 2 konoha units an extra attack and clean 1 debuff from them each turn, ideally you want Itachi to get one that extra standard but if Danzo gets it that's alright too, this team initiates combo easily and Danzo removes inmunity with combo so yea that annoying frontline Naruto should be under control pretty easily.
    If he isn't tho, that's why your main will use the seal of the red lotus mystery, use it on Naruto.
    Aim your Itachi to anyone that can cleanse enemy's Naruto, you c*e him again in turn 2 so stopping enemy's position 2 ninja should be piece of cake unless he dodges of course. Needless to say to aim Danzo at Naruto in turn 2.

    This is all or nothing, if your CC works then you're running the enemy down with pure basic attacks which by the way negate the possibilty of resurrection if is Itachi the one that kills. If your basic attacks ain't enough to destroy the enemy's lineup that's why I personally enjoy Itachi-Danzo's synergy a lot, Danzo's burst is great and you will use him to finish what Itachi started and viceversa. Enemies defeated by Itachi's basic attack or Danzo's mystery won't be able to be resurrected, enjoy.

Thank you for making these posts, they're definitely better than the ones suggested in the top post. I don't have Danzo yet but a friend of mine is going to get him just to run fun teams and maybe I will too eventually. So we hope to try them out, thanks for your detailed writeups on how to use these two teams.

Quicky Post

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