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  • Registered: 2021-03-13
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On 2021-04-01 11:35:56Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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What does Speed mean? Does it relate to init? I honestly don't know what it is. Pls Help

  • Registered: 2019-10-02
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On 2021-04-01 20:40:27Show this Author Only

Its the same thing as initiative, only worse, initiative no matter how low it is your units will attack based on position(piston 1 first, then 2 so on and so forth), if ur initiative is lower than your opponents then there position 1 will attack then urs, no matter how much more they have. Speed takes that whole concept and throws it out the window. Speed is (obviously) how fast you are, If someone lowers your speed itll no longer go in order of position but in order of speed. so its possible ur opponents whole team will attack before you do. sometimes if it only a few of your units have a lower speed then its possible for your position 4 unit (or any other unit) to make an attack before any other unit before.

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On 2021-04-02 13:06:33Show this Author Only

What you just explained was slowdown caused by harem naruto and kurotsuchi. In some cases like kimono shisui chasing, it shows his speed is increasing, but actually its initiative.

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On 2021-04-03 11:32:12Show this Author Only

if im not mistaken, how much initiative different in term of value also play important role.. but the difference must be a lot..

for example in your own lineup, if your P2 have 10k initiative more than your P1, P2 will attack first.. then your P1

i've tested in 9 tail invasion where i'm using sasuke normal BT as P1 (i want the lightning barrier) & LM as P2 (main damager)

since my main have highest BP as well as the initiative difference value is more than 10k between LM & sasuke.. so in that situation, my LM will attack first prior sasuke even though sasuke is P1

in order to make sasuke act first for me to do mystery lightning barrier, i removed all initiatiave runes from my LM & it works

when fighting opponent.. standard action turn who will attack first is P1, opponent P1, P2, opponent P2.. and so on..

in P1, who will attack first depends on who have higher initiative (if opponent P1 have higher initiative than your P1, your opponent will attack first)

and so on so forth for P2, P3, P4 (if opponent P2 have higher initiative than your P2, your opponent will attack first)

however, if your opponent P2 have more than 10k initiative than your P1.. the order of action will be opponent P1, opponent P2, then your P1..

u can test it by fighting your server highest rank player

good luck

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On 2021-04-03 17:55:18Show this Author Only
  • Shumihaza On 2021-04-03 11:32:12
  • if im not mistaken, how much initiative different in term of value also play important role.. but the difference must be a lot..

    for example in your own lineup, if your P2 have 10k initiative more than your P1, P2 will attack first.. then your P1

    i've tested in 9 tail invasion where i'm using sasuke normal BT as P1 (i want the lightning barrier) & LM as P2 (main damager)

    since my main have highest BP as well as the initiative difference value is more than 10k between LM & sasuke.. so in that situation, my LM will attack first prior sasuke even though sasuke is P1

    in order to make sasuke act first for me to do mystery lightning barrier, i removed all initiatiave runes from my LM & it works

    when fighting opponent.. standard action turn who will attack first is P1, opponent P1, P2, opponent P2.. and so on..

    in P1, who will attack first depends on who have higher initiative (if opponent P1 have higher initiative than your P1, your opponent will attack first)

    and so on so forth for P2, P3, P4 (if opponent P2 have higher initiative than your P2, your opponent will attack first)

    however, if your opponent P2 have more than 10k initiative than your P1.. the order of action will be opponent P1, opponent P2, then your P1..

    u can test it by fighting your server highest rank player

    good luck

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  • Registered: 2020-10-10
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On 2021-04-03 17:58:47Show this Author Only

Oh yeah for your question speed is initiative i have a feeling you are talking about minato assist card that is the case speed and initiative is the same thing

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On 2021-04-03 19:53:05Show this Author Only
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lol you sure about that?

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On 2021-04-03 19:59:23Show this Author Only
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On 2021-04-03 23:46:11Show this Author Only
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probably u want to read this thread regarding initiative

only read the part that ICE* explaining about initiative

dont read all, otherwise i afraid u will say that ICE* lie also

This post was last edited by Shumihaza on 2021-04-03 23:48:25.
  • Registered: 2020-10-10
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On 2021-04-04 09:02:16Show this Author Only

oh it appear that happen i was wrong

dont bully me

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