it went from 1 to 35 power differences in the past week
i did explain earlier and gave examples of the equipments , when i remove my main team and place them back again , the power decreases , even when they have the same gear
same gears , same ninjas , the power still decreases
when you level up and upgrade your equipments and strengthen them, not all ninjas in ur team gonna have the same lvl and upgrades right? because theres not enough materials in 1 day to do for them all at once. so, there will be differences
so like i said in the example earlier, my gaaara had an upgraded necklace, others dont, so if i took him out of the event and place him back after the event, he still have his upgraded necklace. Theres a trick to place ur ninjas to have the equipment sets you want them to have.
Which is why i believe theres a bug in power
To make my point clear < sorry for the long post > heres another example
Main team: Gaara, sasuke, sakura
Gaara Equip Lvl : 60
Sasuke Eq lvl: 61
Sakura Eq lvl: 59
I remove them during 9tail event , replace them.
After the event i place them back
Gaara still have his eq lvl 60 , Sasuke still have lvl 61 and sakura still have 59 but my power dropped by 5
This post was last edited by dr.*** at 2016-9-29 16:55