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[ Events ] Did you change the drop rate in survival?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-27 16:33:34Show All Posts
  • heyMayhem On 2016-09-27 15:04:22
  • I've actually gotten tons of fragments(for rare nin) the past couple of weeks. Also drew Guy twice and was able to 5 star him.

    Bad luck m8s.
Worst part is you can still draw/get shards for ninja you have 5 star. Think it is bad now when you draw Guy and the rest? Wait until you don't even get the joy of leveling them up when you draw them any more :/

But to the topic of the thread, my Survival experience has been very random. Some days I get nothing but runes and a few awakening items (mainly the lower level ones, but can be stuff I've never used yet too). Other days I get 80 Baki shards or some other ninja (I'll also say it is nice to get the full fragments instead of 20 for ninja you already have).

I've gotten way more out of Survival Trail then I have Breakthrough to the point where I find it to be a joke. Food and Revive potions as an option in the Practice Treasure Room? That is pretty messed up if you ask me (Never once had any reason to even use Revives, let alone to the point I'd have to think about where to get them, and I get so many Food items I've never had to look for more). I've seen 1 Sage Naruto frag show up there, along with Wind Blade Asuma, and Konan, but of course RNG never gives them to me (those are just the 'rarer' frags I've seen, I've also gotten Tobi and the like in it as well). However I've gotten 2+ frags for Beheading sword Kakashi, Wind Blade Asuma, 8 gates Lee and others just from Survival Trail. Best I've gotten out of the Practice room has been 10 coupons (Don't get me wrong, that isn't bad, but it would nice to be excited for what shows up on those cards, not more of the same food and other items)

I'll be honest, Survival Trial is one of the things I enjoy and look forward to doing each day. This post was last edited by Maroner at 2016-9-27 16:37
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