Server ID : 1553
In-game name : Ayasaki
UID : 380979878479974
Create Your Own 'Welcome Home' Story
In the rain of the falling cherry blossoms, they had made a vow ; a promise of forever between five youths who didn't yet understand the gravity of eternity.
" Together forever. ''
They repeated after each other, confident that nothing was to pull them apart. Nothing that could break their friendship, the friendship that had been carefully cultivated.Growing up together in Konoha for Scarlet, Midnight, Breeze, Azure and Crimson meant a lot. It meant customs, it was suffocated with tradition and etiquette, it was filled to the brim with a duty, a responsibility, a constant performance. Everything that they didn’t mind having to study up on if they could make the journey together with one another. Someone who they could confide in, complain with, and someone you could occasionally anger with a joke or two. Their quirks tied them together.
Those days of their youth had seemed so endless. Growing up together, bickering, making up, competing, helping each other, and ultimately befriend. With the promise of ‘forever’ etched in their mind, they loved each other. Expectations were set, assumptions were made, it was easy to get lost in their own feelings after all the time spent together. No one will betray one another.
" Don't go rogue, Mid ! ", Scarlet joked during one of their hangouts. The others laughed in their own unique ways as they looked at the said boy. The atmosphere was light and comforting. The albino, known for his stoic attitude, huffed in response ; the playful smirk hidden away as he ate in silence.
Alas, things changed in a heartbeat.
It happened so fast, one moment he was accepted into the ANBU and the other moment, he snapped at Azure for being incompetent. Ever since Midnight got accepted into the ANBU Black Ops, everything went downhill. His stoic demeanor turns cold and he found himself staring at scowls of his friends. Sour memories were created. Everyone had thought that it might just be the overload stress from his missions so they paid no mind and let Midnight cope. But the albino struggled to express his emotions as the secrecy of ANBU took its place in his lone shoulders.
Keep your emotions at bay, they say. Show no mercy, they say. Don't tell anyone anything, they say. Just follow the orders, they say. It was for the greater good, they say. Don't ask anything, they say.
What does this mean for his identity then ?
He is merely a tool for his village. Used without a care in the world, being uncertain whether he will come back alive or not in the upcoming missions and abandoning his teammates in a mission just for the sake of keeping village's secrets. The matter of life and death were at his hands despite being a fresh teenager out of the academy. The feudal lords never care. They never do, as long as the filthy money came in. As long as the corruption continues silently. As long as they get to spend those disgusting money on anything worthless. There was no rest and no break for the Konoha ANBU members.
Midnight grew wary of his motives in life.
What is the purpose of serving a corrupted country ? There's thousands of deaths reported everyday as he slaved away for the sake of indecisive feudal lords that can't even fight for their life. The Fire Daimyō has a fickle and indecisive nature and is easily swayed in his decisions through biases as well as external influences. When situations call for fast, important decisions, he makes his advisers do the whole work ; the one who convinces him most is the "winner". Fire feudal lord was a spineless old man with no obligation to make. His indecisive way disgusts Midnight as he thought of how easy the elder man to be manipulated in the wrong hands. Thousands of children died here and there but were reported as casualties despite the true horror hidden behind the slaughter. Bribery drive a country to be alive, Midnight concluded.
It consumed him slowly and harshly ; like seasons that passed only to leave aggressive changes when the other comes.
Akatsuki was the best choice.
" Where do you think you are going ? ", Scarlet chimed in with a playful tone, but the closest ones knew he was serious uttering the question. The moonlight reflects on his bright, red eyes menacingly as he observed Midnight. Midnight stared down at him from the top of Konoha's many building, his posture tall and offensive. His stare was unwelcoming.
" Why are you still awake ? ", Scarlet questioned again but they were never answered. Time passed yet for the both of them, it seems like it never do. Frozen moment as they wait for each other's move. Midnight held his sword tightly to his side. His gaze was as hard as steel.
" Oi, don't tell me you are actually going rogue ", Scarlet's voice was as hot as summer, the playful tone long gone as he realized the hidden motive behind his friend. Sweats glistened at his forehead while his posture seemingly laid back. The dark-haired man gripped his trustworthy kunai.
Midnight's gaze went bitterly cold. With one swift movement of his sword, Scarlet was on the ground, groaning in pain.
" It's better this way ", Midnight finally spoke. But his voice was sharp as it stabbed into Scarlet's heart like an icicle. The stab was deeper than Midnight's sword as it froze in Scarlet's core. The pain was throbbing. But nothing is more important than his friend, Scarlet hissed. The very same friend that stabbed him with no remorse. The same friend that infused his lightning chakra inside the wound. The eyes' of the very same friend that gazed coldly into his warm brown eyes. The same friend that used to chuckle softly at his * jokes. Why ?
Midnight turned and disappeared into the night with the flutter of his clothing.
Scarlet's insides throbbed in overwhelming pain as he tried to keep his emotions at bay. He clutched the wound at his abdomen and wailed out. His voice strained in raw pain. It scratched his throat so harshly. His throat was so dry, it hurts. It hurts. But he continued. It was futile, to call Midnight back without any action. Scarlet can feel his energy dissipated quickly than he would like. The night's cold air hits him harshly. Hot, burning tears cascade down Scarlet's cheeks.
He wept on the cold concrete.
Growing up with Midnight Blade meant tradition, honouring culture, and maintaining the pride of the village. It meant fulfilling obligation, following the rites. It was duty over pleasure and heart. It required sacrifice in tongue and in heart, it was silently carrying the burdens and the responsibility of a legacy. To lit a fire in Konoha's new generation so it can be passed down. The Will of Fire that their senseis had taught them so many times.
Midnight Blade had thrown that all away. For the peace of the shinobi world, he had disregarded everything the five of them had grown up with. The very same peace they had fallen for, the peace he insisted on pursuing despite all opposition, even willingly giving up his title as a Konoha ninja. He now carried the burdens on his lone shoulders. The heavy weight of wanting peace in a corrupted country drove Midnight to what he is now. He sought for aggressive guidance in Akatsuki.
Midnight left to achieve peace.
And though the other fours couldn’t agree with his actions, they felt obligated to support their friend. The vow they had made, once long ago still firmly engraved within their mind. Their friendship withered away just like that.
Never mentioned, never remembered.
Scarlet Blaze can be described in the best way possible as summer. Scorching, fiery with passion for everything. He was never the one to give up so easily. What he lacks in strength, he makes it up for his wits. Sly words uttered to get anything his ways and it always work. No matter how repetitive his words are, they always have the strength to bend anyone. The warmth in his eyes as he made eye contact in his conversation had left a mark on everyone. His influence was never forgotten.
So when Midnight decided to puncture a hole in his abdomen and leave to become a rogue, he didn't deter away.
Instead, he flourished the pain in his strategy to bring back Midnight. With the ideas from Naruto, Breeze, Azure and Crimson, he formed a plan. Companionship was their strength and the male knew it like the back of his hand. Naruto was the most eager to save Midnight. His empathetic nature born from the trauma he had went through made him the most understanding of them all. He felt every emotions there is in the world when the world had turned its back on him. So, he wanted to help the world.
" I understand his frustration ", Naruto gave his signature smile, it glowed brightly.
Crimson was overwhelmed with emotions due to the surprising betrayal. But, he kept his overflowing, aggressive emotions at bay like he had practiced so many times in academy. The only thing left was determination to bring Midnight back. He held that feeling close. He is still a soft person on the inside, despite his bulky physical appearance. He leaned on Scarlet emotionally. Scarlet concluded that Crimson is spring ; nourishing fresh emotions and feels them rather deeply than any person should have.
" It will take time for the wound to heal, but I know if I don't take action now, Midnight will drown in his sorrows ! ", The taller man patted Scarlet's shoulder. His soft ex
Breeze at first, was fueled with anger. It hurts, seeing your friend betrayed you without any explanation and runs off. The cowardice Midnight showed left a disgusting feeling in her mouth. It took her the longest to persuade, Scarlet don't blame her ; intense care for someone will result in intense anger. She eventually came around as she realized there is no use in holding grudges. The warmth of care and nurture in her as she realized her mistake.
" He's still our friend, just lost ", she concluded, her hair swayed softly through the breeze.
Due to her emotionally soft nature, Azure was the easiest to forgive. She knew her friendship with Midnight was more important than the anguish drive to punch him through the walls. Okay, she may or may not punched a big cracked hole into the training ground when Scarlet had informed about Midnight's disappearance. She quickly apologized to the others frantically. But it's alright, it's a coping mechanism. Scarlet nodded as he sheepishly avoided the heavily damaged area.
" We can't let him stray any further ", she reasoned as she heals Scarlet's wound.
And so, the group went.
It took a month.
It was already hard to find Midnight's signature chakra as he hides them very well but with the help of Naruto and Breeze's clones, thing went surprisingly well as they scouted through the large forest. It was a tiring process. But the good news arrived. Midnight hasn't gone far off the grid yet as Scarlet brought Pakkun. His occurring cold chakra can be detected through the barks of trees around them. Though, it was very faint.
One of the clone had saw Midnight passed through the cliff near a very large tree.
Scarlet signed the rest of them in their planned formation and hopped on the branches quickly to where Midnight was last seen. Alas, the quintet saw the sight of the dark clothing Midnight always wore. He stood there, his back was at them. Hair fluttering in the summer's breeze. Upon landing, Breeze was the first to talk. Her snide was close to seep in her voice.
" Why ? ", she asked, her eyes gazed deeply into Midnight's back.
" Why do you care ? ", he coldly replied. He turned to them and there it was. All in his glory, looking very forlorn and lonesome as if he wasn't already before. His gaze still hard as steel and cold like icicles. It's so piercing, and so numbing. The atmosphere grew colder and sharper as silence ensued. Scarlet furrowed his eyebrows in anguish motion, his hands clenched tight into fists.
" Why do you seek after Akatsuki ? "
All of the attention went to the auburn-haired male. He didn't shift from his position. The attention didn't make him falter and he only stared harder at his rogue friend. The said friend shifted momentarily, as if he wasn't expecting anyone to know his motive. But alas, Scarlet was smarter than what he showed on daily basis. Midnight let out a huff and walked closer to the group.
Crimson immediately jumped to defend all of them but Midnight raised his sword. It flickered brightly as he infused his lightning nature in it. The sounds were all crackling upon each other. His eyes were dead set on each of them. No emotions running through his eyes. There was nothing at all. Azure was the first to make eye contact with him, and she whimpered. Bloodthirsty air filled her lungs as she breathed heavily. Her eyes darted back and forth in panic. The motion made her feel dizzy. As she thought of a way to escape, she hunched. There was filthy sweats all over her. She almost vomited but stopped when a gentle pair of arms hugged her tightly. Feminine voices filled her ears and she trembled quietly in Breeze's arms. Naruto went to comfort them.
" Our feudal lord is a spineless old man. He lets himself be manipulated by his advisors, despite not knowing each of them well enough and lack the brain to actually make a decision ", Midnight started, not caring about Azure's panic attack. Scarlet nodded, encouraging him to continue as Crimson went on defensive stand. Pakkun huddled in Azure's lap as he watched the commotion. " It was repulsive to see the feudal lords use the money we earned hard. The very same money that we fought to death for. The very same money that most of us don't actually have the luxury for. The money that caused so many degradation in our very own village ", Midnight murmured. The crackling sounds from his sword never falter.
" They only care for their politics and I'm sick of it ! ", he yelled. He leaved his gaze from Scarlet and Crimson as his attention shifted to the clear sky above them. The sky that had watched so many death. Deaths caused by greed.
" So, I wanted to achieve eternal peace like Akatsuki had spread without any corruption ", his eyes fall onto Naruto's in a piercing gaze. The auburn-haired male ran his fingers through his hair. He sighed deeply. " Akatsuki was also driven by greed ! ", Crimson shouted. His lukewarm eyes challenged Midnight's steely gaze. His eyebrow raised high as he glared at the tan male.
" They capture tailed-beasts to use them! Just like how Root used you! They are selfish by creating wars that killed so many innocent citizens. Why are you joining them, Midnight? Don't you realize what their motives are? ", Naruto reasoned loudly. The lightning user can only watch as his friends teamed with each other to persuade him.
" World peace can be achieved when there's mutual understanding between each other ", Scarlet chimed in. There was mellow in his eyes. Midnight shifted uncomfortably as guilt started to rise. Midnight lowered his sword, the crackling stopped as he looked at the ground.
The wintry atmosphere faded slowly. Comforting affability mixed in as Midnight shut his eyes. The guilt was eating him. There's better ways to settle this corruption. The burdens of having to hurt his friends in order to achieve peace settled in his guts. He shivered at the way he remembered how he treated his friends when he's at his worst. So cold, so numbing. He was the absolute worst. His eyes flickered over to each of his friends. His eyes fueled with shame.
" Hey, come home, yeah ? ", Scarlet grinned. Midnight nodded and let himself being hurled into a group hug. Intense sobbing that wets his clothing doesn't matter anymore. The harsh yet playful punches doesn't hurt. The aftermath doesn't matter to him anymore.
He was welcomed home.
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