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[ Crimson Fist ] Passive %


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On 2021-02-24 22:29:18Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello, I would like to know how the passive "Defense Knowledge" works mathematically for the earth main. Also, I would also like to know, if let's say I have two passives that increase resistance how would % behave? For example, if I put Gakido on my battle line and my Earth Main as well. The Earth main increases resistance by 40% to all units and Gakido increases 40% to the rinnegan units. How much resistance would Gakido have? 80%?

i ask this question because no so long ago i was playing an ARPG where the damage reduction passive work this way: If i have a passive with 10% damage reduction ill take 90% of the damage but if i add another passive with the same % instead of taking 80% ill take 81% and if i add another one ill take 72.9% they do that cuz they didn't want you to get to 100% damage reduction xD. Just want to know if the same if applied in Naruto Online. I don't speak English that well so sorry for my grammar and thank you :).

This post was last edited by Sanm on 2021-02-24 22:29:18.
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