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Shinobi Festivities - The Fire that Works for a Blast


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 61
On 2021-02-10 02:39:16Show All Posts

Server ID: S328

In game name: Tedi〤(泰迪)

UID: 200000097405077


Team Preparation:

The best and effective way to fight with Rouge Ninjas is to know your Team Composition and Team Preparation. For My Team, I selected the following:

Fire Main- For Ignition, Chase Initiator, Increase Ninjutsu, Damage Heal and Chakra Replenishment.

Hashirama Senju (New Year)- For Control, Supression of Immunity, Heal and Debuff Cleansing to Random Ally and give additional Chase.

Sai (New Year)-For Possible Control, Debuff Cleansing and Chakra Replenishment.

Shizune (New Year)-For Damage and Team Heal for Survivability including Debuff Cleansing.

Battle Strategy and Techniques:

In every Opponents, there's that what we called the "Strongest" one, the Strongest Rogue might possess exceptional abilities including Immunity to Debuffs. To disable that Strongest Rogue Enemy, Hashirama Senju(New Year) will execute his "Sage Art-Gate of the Great God" to Suppress the Immunity of that Rouge Ninja to Debuffs and Suffers Immobile. In that point, we have already controlled their strongest opponent and land an 8 Combo which triggers Chase Attacks from our Fire Main-(Phoenix Fire-Ignition and King of Heal-Poison) and Shizune-New Year(Dolhpin Impact Damage).

Our POS 1 Hashirama Senju (New Year will successively land Standard Attack to 3-4 targets and High Chances of Knockdown and Enfeeble which greatly damage Rogue Opponents line up. He will also make sure that our team is Healed and given an additional Extra Chase during battle.

POS 2 Sai (New Year) Attacks the Rouge opponents with a high chance of Immobile and Replenish Team Chakra so that Shizune( New Year) can execute Mystery Damage to all Rouge Opponents. He also make sure that team can be cleansed from potential Rouge enemies Controls and Gain Immunity to Debuffs for the end of the round, thus giving my Team more edge to fight better and landed attacks to Rouge Enemies.

Our POS 3 Fire Main will re-ignite and damage enemies using Explosive Rock Array and Fire Style-Phlogistic Technique to stop enemies gaining potential Healing power while suffering from Ninjutsu and Taijutsu Attacks. He will also provide and replenish Team Chakra using Bani Chakra for the Team Continuous Mystery Skill Execution to the Rouge Ninjas.

And Finally, our POS 4 Shizune (New Year) continually execute unmissable damage to the Rouge Opponents and Make Sure that Team Members with lowest health will be Healed and cancelled any potential Debuffs to them before Ending the Battle.

With my Team Composition, I believe we have the highest potential on fighting and eliminating Rouge Ninjas as Enemies before they can Raid Konoha and Make Ruckus to our Lunar New Year Celebration!

Happy New Year Konoha!

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