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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 28th of January


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On 2021-01-28 05:56:22Show All Posts
  • Hofuandou On 2021-01-27 14:46:44
  • Kidomaru BT?!!! Well, they were waiting ..... Only + Myaboku coupon rest ttrraasshh. Where Naruto SP?!!!

    The funny thing that the moderators said China and this server's this essentially different games.

I Know Right, Hofuandou San And I Also Agree With You About Adding "New Main Talents" To Each Main's Character (That Is As Such Though) Yeshe San And You Are Not Wrong About That Statement Above (That Is As Such Though) Kekke San (Especially When You Are Trying To Collect Ninjas (That Goes Towards It's Overall Completion) For The "Said" Collection To Gain Additional Power To Your Main's (Main) Team Which Is Also A Reason As To Why I (Personally) Prefer Getting Free Ninjas Over Power (Related) Items That Is As Such Though)

This post was last edited by Esponix on 2021-01-28 05:58:56.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-01-29 08:26:38Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2021-01-28 20:23:57
  • No, overall the ninjas they give out in myobuku are awful. Just because a few were given were good doesn't represent that the average. Fireworks, on average, gave out better ones.

But, I Thought The Reason As To Why The Fireworks Event Gave Out Better Ninjas (In The End Though) Was (Ultimately) Because It Was Mostly A (User) "Voted In Ninjas" System And Who Rose Up In The First Spot Were Selected For The Next Fireworks Event Though, Danzo San And Also You Could Compete With Other "P2W Players" (As A "F2P Player") Depending On What Ninjas You Saved Up For (With The Coupons You've Earned So Far) To Spend On (That Is As Such Though Although It (Most Likely) Wouldn't Be The "New" Meta Ninja Lineup (At The Time) Though)..Danzo San (Just Saying)

This post was last edited by Esponix on 2021-01-29 08:37:46.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-01-30 11:20:38Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2021-01-30 07:29:42
  • Well f2ps need to know they can't catch up to whales so the gap will always be present. However, giving f2ps more access to the in-game currency, it will give a sense to them that they can finally build on power instead having to give up something. That will help the gaming experience. P2Ws won't experience this as they can do both from the start of playing this game.

    As a f2p, it would be nice to build teams much quicker to use in the meta, build up coupons to prep for future teams, and use it for power in comparison to what active f2ps have to deal with. Imagine being able to do fuku deals much frequently - instead of the current 3-4 months.

I Do Also Agree With Your Statement Above Concerning The Huge Gap Between "P2W Users And F2P Users" As To Building "meta (Related) Teams" At An Efficient Rate (That Is As Such Though), Danzo San And As For My Previous Statement (Above) Concerning The "Fireworks Event" Situation I Am Sorry That I (Must've) Misremembered How Their Process Went For "Selecting Ninjas For Said Event" (That Is As Such Though Since Of The Length Of Time That This Event Had Been Going On For That Is As Such Though) And Also Following Onto Your Second Statement Onwards From That Matter (That Is As Such Though) I Do Agree With You On A "General Scale Of The Matter At Hand" Though (Because Any F2P Player Can (Theoretically) Beat An P2W Player (To A Degree) If You Have The "Right Ninjas At The Right Time" Though..Which Is Unlikely To Happen (Very Commonly That Is) In "Most Use Case Scenarios" That Is As Such Though)..Danzo San

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On 2021-01-31 10:40:01Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2021-01-31 01:11:49
  • The only people who can do fuku every month are whales. Of course that any free items/ninjas is given to all types of players but f2ps will get a better utility from the use in comparison to whales.

    Prices on the current fuku deals are mainly reflected due to the demand of the types of ninjas we have. Oasis won't go back to the 20K unless they go back to limited number of power items only fuku deals or include ninjas that are of quality such as Dan [edo tensei], ino/hinata summer, konan kimino (which was done previously), etc. People won't like this as they are used to the ninjas that are currently in fuku deals. From the looks of it, they have been experiment with what the price should be and what to offer from years. When it first came out, they wanted to see if more demand for deals if they added a better ninja at a premium, then wanted to see if 2 ninjas at 40k would work, which seems like it hasn't. Now fuku, deals are floating between 25k-30k, which have the same quality of ninjas. If they want to experiment even further by adding more rewards at the same price or maybe even lower - cool but that is very unlikely based on Oasis's past actions.

I (Also) Do Agree With You On Your Statement On This Matter As A Whole (That Is As Such Though), Danzo San

This post was last edited by Esponix on 2021-01-31 10:41:07.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-02-02 08:20:57Show All Posts
  • T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C On 2021-01-31 12:20:06
  • yea i kinda understand ? but i'm still pressing it, not gonna getting used to it just because oasis called for it.

    anyways i disagree with the valuation of ninjas need to price up to 30k fuku compare to 15-20-25k

    basically 20k is already a high end fuku if you ask me with 25k being a top end,

    and 20k is already 33% increase from 15k and 25k is a whooping 66% increase.

    you don't find that kind of percentage increase in normal goods and services

    i'd accept if its 18k to 25k fuku, given that the ninja reward is really worth it,

    besides meta gets old anyways, in other words devaluation does happens too

    knowing oasis to put the bait in the end to make everyone spend that extra mile

    30k fuku with more power items is not worth, just give us the ninja frags along the milestone way.

    and if it's not worth i ain't want to spend 30k at a go in a fuku, i'll stop at 20k

    the maths i'm saying is that spliting that to 8-10k power fuku and a 18-20k ninja fuku is far better on two week each,

    that give us much better options to complete a half collected ninja with a low power fuku week synergy for example.

    and if i don't want the ninja fuku I'll just forgo that entire ninja fuku after all, same with the power fuku.

    because at the current rate, events are not synergize to spend coupons on any non fuku week, just saying .. ..

That Is A (Very) True Statement As To Why Many Users (On The Forums) Here Will Just Tell Others To Save For An "30K Fukurokumaru Deal" Rather Than Spending Said (Amount Of) Coupons On A "Lucky Stars Wheel" Event (For Instance That Is As Such Though) Because Of The Fact That You Are Certain To Attaining 1 Or (Even) 2 Ninjas..When You (Decide To) Spend That Said Amount (Of Coupons) On A "Fuku Deal" Rather Than By "Winning Said Item" By Either Chance Or Luck (That Is) To Even Attain Or Even Complete 1 Ninja From The "Lucky Stars Wheel" (That Is As Such Though), Tombo San

This post was last edited by Esponix on 2021-02-02 08:28:31.
Quicky Post

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