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[ Help ] Do i have time for Tobi?


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On 2016-09-26 09:23:50Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi, im thinking of spending my 16,000 Survival Points for Tobi, but i was thinking, do i have time to get it before the shops update? i would really be pissed off if the shops changes before i have the time to get him, what would you do?
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On 2016-09-26 09:24:53Show this Author Only
Even if shop gets updated they wont take ninjas out they just add new ones.
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On 2016-09-26 09:30:02Show this Author Only
Of course you have time. Even if you somehow dont than you always have the plot instance that gives him to you.
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On 2016-09-26 09:38:48Show this Author Only
wait what? you can get him for free?
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On 2016-09-26 09:43:48Show this Author Only

80 Tobi shards for completing Chapter 8, once they update the game again to include the missions leading up to that :P
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On 2016-09-26 09:52:11Show this Author Only
Keep in mind, you want to 5-star ninjas that you are going to use and can do so. I have almost 30K Survival Trial coins and I still redeem Tobi at least 5 fragments per day in addition to sweeping for him in the level 80 Elite Instance.
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On 2016-09-26 10:28:42Show this Author Only
Levelling up from 70-80 will take quite some time. Do remember that, to finish plot instance 8, you need to reach level 80.
So as of now, survival shop is pretty good place. If you do want to get him to 5 star, I'd say get him to 4 star and then buy fragments till you have 60-70, then do sweep elite instance everyday. I'd guess this way, when you reach 80 you'd have 120 frags ready.
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On 2016-09-26 10:29:14Show this Author Only
If you want to rush and do it now then:

You can get 1,300 a day if you clear all 12 trials. If you buy the fragments twice a day for 1,000 each then it'd take you 8 days. However, if you do a manual refresh which is 200 initially followed by 400 for the second then you can buy the pack 4 times a day for 4,600 total. You can do that safely for about 3 days until you'd run almost out of what you currently have and that'd leave you at 60 fragments with 2,200 and 20 fragments left (assuming I'm not failing with my math anywhere). Add in the 3,900 you'd be getting over the course of the 3 days if you clear all 12 trials then you'll be sitting at 6,100 which would be more than enough to pick up the last 20.

Also, we don't really know when the shops are going to update, it's all just speculation. Either way, it's your coins. If you want to rush and grab him now just for some peace of mind then I'd say more power to you.
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On 2016-09-26 14:13:38Show this Author Only
you have time to 5 star every ninja in the game before shop updates bruh
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On 2016-09-26 18:59:36Show this Author Only
hmm, i'm not even sure if i will use him in one of my team, i just find him broken...i already have 3 star kabuto, and i use him, should i just 5 star him then?
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On 2016-09-27 06:23:31Show this Author Only
As much as I hate to do it I am gonna compare to another version. In Tencent and Taiwan versions as shops got updated some of the first wave ninjas in there, such as Tobi and Kisame, actually ended up with their prices being lowered. That doesn't at all guarantee it will happen here but, in the chance that it does, I think it would be best to wait for update. If we are lucky and do get him lowered in price you would actually be able to get much more for your tokens.

I would apply this same logic to Kabuto as well. Nobody knows exactly what we will get, since there have already been very notable differences in updates we have gotten compared to other regions. He likely won't be made any cheaper, since 500 is a steal as is, but you never know who will show up in our future shops and for how much.
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On 2016-09-27 07:04:33Show this Author Only
You do realize that not even german version got lower prices. I mean stop telling ppl that they should w8 for over 6 month to save some points because you want to have some fun now and not in 6 month. In 6 month everyone gives a * about tobi.
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On 2016-09-27 13:46:34Show this Author Only
You do realize that by saying not even German version you would be implying that the majority didn't get price drops when, in fact, the majority did. Hence your initial statement alone is annoying and invalid. Plus, beyond that, I also noted how nothing is set in stone? I simply offered my opinion basing it off the knowledge that you get Tobi for free at level 78 anyways. Especially considering Tobi is nearly useless as soon as new ninjas come out, hell even now in the late 70s he is starting to be seen less and less in my server as people work around him. Therefore, had he wanted to save the tokens for someone else who would be all three; new, fun and actually useful, he had the option.
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On 2016-09-27 14:17:14Show this Author Only
After taking into consideration what everyone else said I think you should do whatever you feel like would be the most fun for you. You're the one playing for yourself after all not us, if you want Tobi now then do so if you have the patience to wait then do that. I use Ninja's in my lineup that I like as opposed to who is the most powerful because that is more fun for me. I don't care if I am the weakest player and get beat by people 5 levels under me for using "weaker" Ninja's, I would rather lose with my favorite ninja's then win with my most hated.
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On 2016-09-27 23:15:14Show this Author Only
  • Xihark On 2016-09-27 14:17:14
  • After taking into consideration what everyone else said I think you should do whatever you feel like would be the most fun for you. You're the one playing for yourself after all not us, if you want Tobi now then do so if you have the patience to wait then do that. I use Ninja's in my lineup that I like as opposed to who is the most powerful because that is more fun for me. I don't care if I am the weakest player and get beat by people 5 levels under me for using "weaker" Ninja's, I would rather lose with my favorite ninja's then win with my most hated.
I tend to hate Ninjas that i feel Broken, so i guess i'll just skip tobi for now, and save my Coins, thanks everyone
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On 2016-09-28 01:05:56Show this Author Only
You talk so much .... dude im sick of the ppl who say no w8 you gte pains for free. Noo dont get tobi w8 for lvl 78 which takes 1 month or even longer for most of the ppl. You cant think about future updates all the * time. If you do so than gl and hf you will never have fun in this game. And germany still dont have price drops its 7 month old arldy so plz ppl take his advice and get all your stuff in 3-6 month when it wont matter anymore.
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