Views: 26071 | Replies: 34
[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 21st of January


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  • Registered: 2020-10-10
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On 2021-01-21 11:48:49Show All Posts
  • Lord HTT On 2021-01-20 23:42:57
  • Hmmmmmm Mission General Mobilization every second week... its great, really great. But you know what would be even greater than MGM? getting great plates every second week. Is it possible? if not, try removing useless MGM missions that almost nobody chooses to do yet they appear most frequently like "be plundered" or "win in arena 6 times" or even "ranked battle 6 times", "spend X ingots", "battle wanted ninja" and other stuff like that or may b decrease their frequency.. just a suggestion for moderators to reply to. If you are not a moderator, don't reply with your views please, this is not for you

I'm no moderator but I don't want mission to be deleated

that is where I get a lot of shisui kimono frag

using alt for trade I can get 8 frag becuz mission so don't delete it

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