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[ Events ] New Events Cycle - 31st of December


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-01-03 03:34:27Show All Posts
  • Nomiko On 2021-01-03 01:24:43
  • Good meta ninjas are supposed to be obtained by putting effort into the game by doing rebates, or just saving for them in general. It's ok if you want one or two good ninjas for free, but you want the best ones? then you have to put some more effort to get them. If they give amazingly good ninjas (specially some like suigetsui taka that are borderline broken) to everyone that will just bring a harder enviroment for everyone to play with on pvp, and it will be even worse for the free players that enter the game after it happens, because they will literally have 0 chance against the ones that actually got him, or kurenai, or hashirama, completely for free, which will very likely be everywhere from that point on.

    I am actually glad they didn't do such move, i am piecing him slowly, as it has to be. Don't be asking for things before thinking on both the pros and cons of implementing such things. We all want things that can benefit us now, but also you have to think what will benefit us in the future and what is harmful for the future as well. Just think about it.

    PD: Have you even tried their BT's before making such judgement i wonder? because many of them that are already added are actually decent to use, whether they are meta or not is other thing , technically only 5-10% or less of the ninjas in the game are actually usable in the meta anyways, but if we aren't allowed to even have them and try them then it's impossible to judge anything.

That's Right, Nomiko San And Especially That Final Statement (That You've Said Above) Is Very True Though

Quicky Post

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