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[ Events ] New Events Cycle - 24th of December


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  • Registered: 2017-08-17
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On 2020-12-23 13:44:28Show All Posts
  • Waka_Man On 2020-12-23 11:16:35
  • 16."Myoboku Trial" added.

    Mount Myoboku sent a trial to test all ninja and your skills! Are you ready to take on this trial and win all rewards?!

    Period: Dec 24th-Dec 30th

    Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

    How To:

    The “Myoboku Trial” event is divided into three tabs.


    Every player can claim their respective rewards for logging in to the game during the given dates.

    12/24: Coins*50000, Cultivation Rune*2000,New Refine Optional Pack*2

    12/25: Bell*2, Mount Myoboku’s Gift*3, Christmas Tree Pack*3

    12/26: Cave Key*2, Cultivation Rune*2000, Ninja Assist Cultivation Pack*1

    12/27: Coins*20000, BBQ*5, Charm Material Pack*2

    12/28: Mood Scroll*2, Two Chimes*1, Deluxe Myoboku Optional Pack*4

    12/29: Purification Rune*5, Cultivation Rune*2000, Secret Scroll Optional Pack II*1

    12/30: Coins*50000, Cave Keys*2, Lucky Key Pack*2


    a) Click PLAY, a hammer should be visible in this interface.

    b) Move your hammer and pick a cylinder you wish to target!

    c) After the mini-game starts, the needle will start moving from left to right.

    d) When the needle is in the “Perfect” area, be fast to click and “Perfect”! One of the cylinders will be sent flying! The more cylinders you clear, the quicker needle will move and the “Perfect” area will start to shrink.

    e) You can claim a reward for each cylinder that you clear!

    f) It’s Game Over if Naruto’s head falls before you have cleared all cylinders.

    g) Every player has 3 daily attempts, players can consume 10, 15, 20 Ingots to have another 3 attempts to do this event.


    a) Use Coupons or Ingots to spin the wheel.

    b) Click START and wait to see what reward you will get. Every time you spin the wheel, different Coupons/Ingots quantities will be asked in order to continue spinning it. Generally speaking, the more Coupons/Ingots you use, the higher your chances of getting a better reward. If you use 1.000 Coupons/Ingots to spin it, it is almost impossible that you will get a Level 2 Rainbow Magatama.

    For example, the 1st time you spin the wheel, you might be asked 100 Coupons/Ingots to spin it; the 2nd time you spin the wheel, you will be asked to use 300 Coupons/Ingots in order to continue spinning it.

    The rewards for using 100 Coupons/Ingots are usually inferior to the rewards of using 300 Coupons/Ingots to spin the wheel a 2nd time.

    The more times you spin the wheel, the better the rewards can be; at the same time, the more times you spin the wheel, the more the Coupons/Ingots you will have to use in order to continue spinning it.

    c) 1 spin will get you 1 reward. You cannot get the same reward a 2nd time in the same day.

    d) The spins and Coupons/Ingots required to spin the wheel will be reset every day; however, the rewards are the same for all days of this event.

    Players can spin the wheel up to 8 times a day.

    17.New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance.

    18.Last not least, the "Fresh Flower", "Hammer", "Discount Voucher", "Shuriken", "Firework", "Treasure's Key", "Lucky Voucher", "Cave Key(Time-limited)" obtained for this week's events need to be spent this week. Once the events end, they will be reset to 0. Please remember to use them on time. Remark: The deadline for the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge events (events in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!

    All information present in the game is the final and correct information.

    Thank you for all your support to us,

    Naruto Online Operation Team


  • Registered: 2017-08-17
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On 2020-12-26 17:51:41Show All Posts
  • Hofuandou On 2020-12-23 15:04:41
  • Again no ninja in Myobuku?!! Only Rin Nohara? And this New Year event? Basically, what else could you expect from Oasis.....

    P.S. If they give this ninja away for free, then he's not very good.


  • Registered: 2017-08-17
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On 2020-12-26 17:53:12Show All Posts
  • DESTRUPTOR900 On 2020-12-24 05:47:37
  • i mean shes better than regular sakura

u can't compare them. they both do completely different things

  • Registered: 2017-08-17
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On 2020-12-26 17:54:29Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2020-12-24 00:19:41
  • Her passive is good but that's it. If she had more cc then people would use her.

CN considers her meta

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