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Christmas Event - Day 3 of Forum's Christams Specials


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 15
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On 2020-12-21 17:22:26Show All Posts


Wind Main:

In this team we choose talents with fire elemental training.
Mystery: Cyclone bomb - Deals wind and fire damage, causes blind and ignition. Costs 20 chakra, which is exactly what we want in 1st round. Has 0 battle cooldown and 2 rounds cooldown after use.

Standard: Sage Art - Rasengan Barrage - Deals wind damage to front enemy. This standard attack has the highest damage of all standards Wind main possess.

Chase: Combo blade of wind - Chases HF and causes Repulse and provides extra standard attack for Wind Main. This still also connects to Sakura´s chase.

Passive 1: Wind Dance - gives +40% ninjutsu and resistance to units in same vertical row. Since Sakura is Water attribute ninja, this provides buff to her aswell, instead of using wind/fire enhancement, which would buff only main and Karin.

Passive 2: Natural Draining - provides 15 chakra and 6% ninjutsu increase on each of wind main chase. This will provide us 30 chakra and 12% every round, which means sweet buff to damage and allows us to use more mysteries.

Summon: Giant clam - chases 10 combo (which is easily done by Sakura´s chase), lowers target´s defense and resistance by 30% by causing tag. This summon is better than Gamariki for Fukurokumaru fight due to limited amount of rounds. Gamariki cannot stack enough as it does not reduce defense aswell and part of our damage is Tai.

Mystery summon: Gamachu - deals damage and increases wind main´s ninjutsu by 40% till the end of the round. (battle cooldown: 1 / cooldown 4). Probably best option for wind main in this type of fight due to increase of damage.

Sakura (Christmas):
Sakura is amazing ninja for our team. At the beginning of the fight, she lowers Fuku´s defense and resistance by 30%. Her standard attack causes HF, which instantly results in combo chain as well as lowering her cooldown.

Karin (Christmas):
Karin is our strong poison / ignite spreading ninja. These 2 debuffs deal massive damage at the end of the round. Her standard attack is guaranteed to cause ignition which and with guaranteed chase chain from Sakura, we are also guaranteed to deal strong poison every round. Karin also lowest defense and resistance by 30%.

Sai (Year of a rat):
In 3rd round, Sai reduces cooldown to all ninjas excluding him. Before 1st action each round, he provides us extra chakra for 2 ninjas in team, which in combination with wind main gives us enough to use extra mystery.


Round 1:
We start with Wind mains mystery. This costs us 20 chakra, deals blind to Fuku, so he cannot attack us. This makes us sure to avoid damage for entire round. Sakura (with her tree) will start a combo chain, which will give Fuku chaos, 10 combo, tag (from clam summon) and strong poison (from Karin). Now Fuku will receive more damage due to tag. With the chain, we got 30 chakra from wind main, when Sai gets to action we get extra 20. At this moment we use Sakura´s mystery (we have enough chakra for it).
If we are lucky, Karin´s tree spread poison to Fuku for more damage.

Round 2:
Our Sakura has cooldown on mystery, but Fuku is still under chaos from last round. She again starts combo chain by standard attack and reduces her cooldown, so we use her mystery right after chain. Fuku still cannot move and we hit him with all attacks possible. Same as in round before, we get +50 chakra so we c*e Karin´s mystery to summon another tree (extra poison chance).

Round 3:
We use Wind main´s mystery again (blinding Fuku and dealing some nice damage and we get buff for this round from Gamachu summon), Sakura starts chain again with standard attack and use her mystery again. With the extra chakra we receive again, we use Sai´s mystery to lower our cooldowns. Stacking poison and preventing Fuku to do anything is routtine now.

Round 4:
In our final round, we start with Sakura´s mystery followed by Main´s mystery (thank you Sai for lowering cooldown). Once we get chakra, we use Karin to get another tree.
Fuku still cant move, so this fight is pretty one sided.

- Sakura´s and Karin´s debuff lowers Fuku´s defense and resistance by 60%.
- After 1st chain, tag is applied on Fuku, further lowering his def / res by 30% (at that moment we deal almost double damage)
- All Wind main´s attacks are elemental (Fuku is weak to it).

UID: 200000087523216
Server: S1049 - Rotation of Heaven and Earth
Name: BattleCrier

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