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[ Events ] Christmas Event – Day 1 of Forum's Christmas Specials


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 6
  • Posts: 7
On 2020-12-24 23:59:15Show All Posts

This story is dedicated to my Grandpa

S527- Gamamaru, Great Toad Sage

IGN: Piezo

UID: 200000085740668

24rth December 2001 7:00 am in Konoha

“CURSE YOU!!! YOU *ED BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” snarled the soba-bun shop owner , glaring at the blonde figure as leaped over the buildings, brush in one hand and a bucket of red paint swinging in the other. “Why doesn’t he just di-- EEEEKK!!!” shrieked a civilian on being showered with viscous red dye.

“NARUTO UZUMAKI!! AT YOUR SERVICE” the blonde kid shouted, laughing loudly as he stuck out his tongue, pulled an eyelid before *ing into a cloud of smoke as he dodged the frying pan hurled at him. “* him! He made graffiti all over our Christmas decorations!” complained the costume shop owner as he punched the wall at his side causing a mask to fall off.

“Who’s going to pay for all of this?” exclaimed a civilian as she looked at the Hokage monument in angst.“ He has no parents we could complain to and Lord Hokage says nothing to him”

“Why doesn’t that urchin just stop bothering us and die?” once voice muttered

“SHhhhhhhhh, he’s that kid…. The one who caused Lord Fourth’s Death” another hushed him quickly

Pretending not to hear them, Naruto kept hopping across the rooftops till he reached the top floor of a building in East Konoha. Opening the window, he snuck in and laid himself to rest on his bed as he let out a loud sigh. His eyes gazed at the wooden roof above him, the fan moving round and round in circles.. making a periodic creaking noise.

“Why doesn’t that urchin stop bothering us and just die?”

“Careful… he’s that kid”


all the voices repeated themselves in young Naruto’s head. He couldn’t forget the look in everyone’s eyes… how they despised him, how they wished for him to be dead. “Grrrrrhhhhh…. Someday…. I’ll become the strongest Hokage in the village and make everyone bow to me!!!” Naruto vowed in his mind before glurking out some saliva through his gritted teeth as he shut his eyes tightly and shoved his face into his pillow.

“* IT * IT!!! * IT! DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!” he growled as he repeatedly *ed his head on his pillow and kept pushing his head deeper into it.. not pulling it out even though he ran out of oxygen, his face turning a dark shade of pink.

Knock knock knock

“Can I come in?” A grizzly hoarse voice asked.

Quickly, Naruto wiped his tears and lay on his back as he replied “Come in” in a calm voice.

An old man stepped through, face full of wrinkles with two tufts of gray hair on either side. He wore white robes and moved silently; drew an envelope from his pocket and put it on the table.

“Here’s this month’s allowance and a little Christmas Bonus, use it wisely!” he sermoned in a calm voice.

Without looking in the old man’s direction, Naruto asked “Ji-chan, why do people celebrate Christmas?”

“Hmm? I think it’s more of a tradition isn’t it? But if I were to put it together simply.. it’s probably because everyone wants to be thankful to God for giving them a healthy body and family. Been too long since I last celebrated Christmas myself”.

“Why do I get a Christmas bonus then? I don’t have a family, no one cares about me and I have nothing to thank any God for!” Naruto snarled.. punching his fists on the bed in spite.

“Naruto…..the whole Village is your family...someday, you’ll realise it”.

“NO!! THEY HATE ME!! WHY CAN’T I JUST HAVE A FAMILY LIKE EVERYONE ELSE? WHY AM I SO ALONE?” he cried… the old man remained silent.

Calming himself, Naruto wiped his tears and asked, “Ji-chan!Why don’t I have a Mom and Dad?” his eyes wide open, desperately trying to hold back tears as he tried searching for answers with his ears

“Didn’t I already tell you? They died protecting the village when the nine-”

“No, I mean, why did they have to die? Couldn’t someone else have saved them? Why did they leave me alone? Why can’t no one tell me who they were?”

The Hokage didn’t know what to say… as he perused his mind thinking of what to say.. his train of thought was interrupted by Naruto-

“You know what, forget it. I’m fine.. I just didn’t get enough sleep so I was blabbering out.. seeya” Naruto said as he grabbed the envelope and ran out of the window, hopping across rooftops. He could see the shopkeepers had washed off most of the paint.

The soba-shop owner was talking to his daughter dressed in red clothes wearing a red cap as he smiled and picked her up. The Lady who wished in the morning that he should die had a huge smile on her face as she kissed her son’s cheek and walked along with him holding his hand.

The boy was nearly the same age as Naruto.

Naruto looked at his own hand… it was cold and empty. He wanted to throw a snowball in that Lady’s face but somehow didn’t feel like doing it. He stood still for a while, then ran towards the Will of Fire Statue.. where the names of all the Martyrs were engraved.

“Obito Uchiha,…. Rin Nohara….. he kept looking through the names but couldn’t find any Uzumaki on the stone” He stopped browsing names and quickly turned around as he heard two feet land behind him.

“Oh Jii-chan! You already caught up to me?” Naruto faked a grin as he scratched the back of his head with his fingers, clutching some tufts of hair.

“Smiling while hiding your sadness isn’t easy, is it Naruto kun?” The Hokage asked in a soothing voice…


“OIRIOKE NO JUTSUUUU!!!” Naruto transformed into a naked woman posing sultrily and winked.

Without having any time to process what happened...the Hokage’s nose spurt out large jets of blood that sent him propelling back as Naruto used the opportunity to flee.

“Honestly… I’m getting too old to witness surprises like this. Now where did Naruto go? It’s getting dark”.

Deep in Konoha Forest… Nighttime

Naruto had set up a campfire besides the brook, roasting a fish he had caught.

“Crunch… chomp….munch….” he gobbled the fish quickly after *ing air on it.

“Ho! Ho! Ho! May I have some of what you’re having young traveller?” A big, fat man with a magnificent moustache and white beard asked as he approached Naruto.

“Huh? Who are you?” Questioned Naruto.

“Santa… is what they call me!! Giving gifts to good children.. is what I do” He replied?

Naruto’s eyes lit up.. “Presents? I’ve NEVER had anyone gift me any presents!”

“Are you a good child though? How can you prove it to me?” The man asked, rubbing his Belly.

“Umm… here.. take this” Naruto skewered a fish he had caught with a wooden branch and handed it to Santa. “Come sit along the fire, it will keep you warm.”.

“Ho! Ho! Ho! Very kind of you Young Man! Tell me! What do you want?”.

“I want my parents!!!” Naruto replied immediately

Santa hesitated…

“That..young man.. is a wish beyond my power. I’m sorry. Ask for something else”.

“Well, could you tell me who my parents were?” Naruto asked again.. slightly disappointed.

“That again.. is a wish beyond my knowledge and power young man. Tell me, why do you feel so lonely? Is there no one besides your parents who you could call family?” Santa replied.

Putting his head to rest on a rock and crossing his legs, Naruto took a bite out of the roasted fish.

“Hmm.. everyone in the village hates me.. but I think Hokage Jii-chan likes me; Ichiraku Uncle and Ayame Nee-ch*so take good care of me… Iruka sensei is weird.. but I don’t think he hates me.

Choji and Shikamaru are great friends of mine.”

“Oh also.. there’s this boy named Sasuke.. He has a lot of hate in his eyes, but I can see that it is not for me… Also, there’s this girl with plain odd eyes. Many people bully her because of how weird they look. So I can understand her pain and I think she understands me too! Tee-hee” Naruto grinned with his eyes closed… “She’s also kinda cute! Heh!”.

“Ho! Ho! Ho!. That sounds like a wonderful family.. doesn’t it Naruto Kun?’

“Yes it does Jii-chan.. you can drop the transformation” Naruto replied.

Saying nothing, Hiruzen dropped his transformation.

“I’m really sorry Naruto-kun, but someday.. you’ll learn why I can’t give you what you’re asking for. But believe me.. your parents loved you a lot. Even after their deaths, their spirit lives on in you.”.

“Look at the stars.” Hiruzen said as he pointed his fingers in the night sky.

“You see, this world is truly boundless. When people die from our world, they pass on into another world amongst the stars. They always watch over the ones they love from the skies and protect them when needed. Your parents as well”.

“Jii-chan.. Thank you” Naruto replied as he hugged Hiruzen tightly when Hiruzen’s tummy let out a loud growl.

“Hehe...Ahahahaha!!” Naruto laughed!!

“Gyahahaha!!” Hiruzen cackled.

“Your parents are always watching over you Naruto, your family in Konoha is also always watching out for you. Make us proud.. “ Hiruzen smiled as he gently waved his hand through Naruto’s hair.

After that, both Naruto and Hiruzen had some more fish as they gazed at the stars and had a few hearty laughs before Naruto fell asleep and snuggled himself into Hiruzen’s Lap.

Naruto Shippuden Episode 480-Naruto and Hinata

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 6
  • Posts: 7
On 2020-12-25 00:07:05Show All Posts
  • Slime cuti On 2020-12-24 23:59:15
  • This story is dedicated to my Grandpa

    S527- Gamamaru, Great Toad Sage

    IGN: Piezo

    UID: 200000085740668

    24rth December 2001 7:00 am in Konoha

    “CURSE YOU!!! YOU *ED BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” snarled the soba-bun shop owner , glaring at the blonde figure as leaped over the buildings, brush in one hand and a bucket of red paint swinging in the other. “Why doesn’t he just di-- EEEEKK!!!” shrieked a civilian on being showered with viscous red dye.

    “NARUTO UZUMAKI!! AT YOUR SERVICE” the blonde kid shouted, laughing loudly as he stuck out his tongue, pulled an eyelid before *ing into a cloud of smoke as he dodged the frying pan hurled at him. “* him! He made graffiti all over our Christmas decorations!” complained the costume shop owner as he punched the wall at his side causing a mask to fall off.

    “Who’s going to pay for all of this?” exclaimed a civilian as she looked at the Hokage monument in angst.“ He has no parents we could complain to and Lord Hokage says nothing to him”

    “Why doesn’t that urchin just stop bothering us and die?” once voice muttered

    “SHhhhhhhhh, he’s that kid…. The one who caused Lord Fourth’s Death” another hushed him quickly

    Pretending not to hear them, Naruto kept hopping across the rooftops till he reached the top floor of a building in East Konoha. Opening the window, he snuck in and laid himself to rest on his bed as he let out a loud sigh. His eyes gazed at the wooden roof above him, the fan moving round and round in circles.. making a periodic creaking noise.

    “Why doesn’t that urchin stop bothering us and just die?”

    “Careful… he’s that kid”


    all the voices repeated themselves in young Naruto’s head. He couldn’t forget the look in everyone’s eyes… how they despised him, how they wished for him to be dead. “Grrrrrhhhhh…. Someday…. I’ll become the strongest Hokage in the village and make everyone bow to me!!!” Naruto vowed in his mind before glurking out some saliva through his gritted teeth as he shut his eyes tightly and shoved his face into his pillow.

    “* IT * IT!!! * IT! DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!” he growled as he repeatedly *ed his head on his pillow and kept pushing his head deeper into it.. not pulling it out even though he ran out of oxygen, his face turning a dark shade of pink.

    Knock knock knock

    “Can I come in?” A grizzly hoarse voice asked.

    Quickly, Naruto wiped his tears and lay on his back as he replied “Come in” in a calm voice.

    An old man stepped through, face full of wrinkles with two tufts of gray hair on either side. He wore white robes and moved silently; drew an envelope from his pocket and put it on the table.

    “Here’s this month’s allowance and a little Christmas Bonus, use it wisely!” he sermoned in a calm voice.

    Without looking in the old man’s direction, Naruto asked “Ji-chan, why do people celebrate Christmas?”

    “Hmm? I think it’s more of a tradition isn’t it? But if I were to put it together simply.. it’s probably because everyone wants to be thankful to God for giving them a healthy body and family. Been too long since I last celebrated Christmas myself”.

    “Why do I get a Christmas bonus then? I don’t have a family, no one cares about me and I have nothing to thank any God for!” Naruto snarled.. punching his fists on the bed in spite.

    “Naruto…..the whole Village is your family...someday, you’ll realise it”.

    “NO!! THEY HATE ME!! WHY CAN’T I JUST HAVE A FAMILY LIKE EVERYONE ELSE? WHY AM I SO ALONE?” he cried… the old man remained silent.

    Calming himself, Naruto wiped his tears and asked, “Ji-chan!Why don’t I have a Mom and Dad?” his eyes wide open, desperately trying to hold back tears as he tried searching for answers with his ears

    “Didn’t I already tell you? They died protecting the village when the nine-”

    “No, I mean, why did they have to die? Couldn’t someone else have saved them? Why did they leave me alone? Why can’t no one tell me who they were?”

    The Hokage didn’t know what to say… as he perused his mind thinking of what to say.. his train of thought was interrupted by Naruto-

    “You know what, forget it. I’m fine.. I just didn’t get enough sleep so I was blabbering out.. seeya” Naruto said as he grabbed the envelope and ran out of the window, hopping across rooftops. He could see the shopkeepers had washed off most of the paint.

    The soba-shop owner was talking to his daughter dressed in red clothes wearing a red cap as he smiled and picked her up. The Lady who wished in the morning that he should die had a huge smile on her face as she kissed her son’s cheek and walked along with him holding his hand.

    The boy was nearly the same age as Naruto.

    Naruto looked at his own hand… it was cold and empty. He wanted to throw a snowball in that Lady’s face but somehow didn’t feel like doing it. He stood still for a while, then ran towards the Will of Fire Statue.. where the names of all the Martyrs were engraved.

    “Obito Uchiha,…. Rin Nohara….. he kept looking through the names but couldn’t find any Uzumaki on the stone” He stopped browsing names and quickly turned around as he heard two feet land behind him.

    “Oh Jii-chan! You already caught up to me?” Naruto faked a grin as he scratched the back of his head with his fingers, clutching some tufts of hair.

    “Smiling while hiding your sadness isn’t easy, is it Naruto kun?” The Hokage asked in a soothing voice…


    “OIRIOKE NO JUTSUUUU!!!” Naruto transformed into a naked woman posing sultrily and winked.

    Without having any time to process what happened...the Hokage’s nose spurt out large jets of blood that sent him propelling back as Naruto used the opportunity to flee.

    “Honestly… I’m getting too old to witness surprises like this. Now where did Naruto go? It’s getting dark”.

    Deep in Konoha Forest… Nighttime

    Naruto had set up a campfire besides the brook, roasting a fish he had caught.

    “Crunch… chomp….munch….” he gobbled the fish quickly after *ing air on it.

    “Ho! Ho! Ho! May I have some of what you’re having young traveller?” A big, fat man with a magnificent moustache and white beard asked as he approached Naruto.

    “Huh? Who are you?” Questioned Naruto.

    “Santa… is what they call me!! Giving gifts to good children.. is what I do” He replied?

    Naruto’s eyes lit up.. “Presents? I’ve NEVER had anyone gift me any presents!”

    “Are you a good child though? How can you prove it to me?” The man asked, rubbing his Belly.

    “Umm… here.. take this” Naruto skewered a fish he had caught with a wooden branch and handed it to Santa. “Come sit along the fire, it will keep you warm.”.

    “Ho! Ho! Ho! Very kind of you Young Man! Tell me! What do you want?”.

    “I want my parents!!!” Naruto replied immediately

    Santa hesitated…

    “That..young man.. is a wish beyond my power. I’m sorry. Ask for something else”.

    “Well, could you tell me who my parents were?” Naruto asked again.. slightly disappointed.

    “That again.. is a wish beyond my knowledge and power young man. Tell me, why do you feel so lonely? Is there no one besides your parents who you could call family?” Santa replied.

    Putting his head to rest on a rock and crossing his legs, Naruto took a bite out of the roasted fish.

    “Hmm.. everyone in the village hates me.. but I think Hokage Jii-chan likes me; Ichiraku Uncle and Ayame Nee-ch*so take good care of me… Iruka sensei is weird.. but I don’t think he hates me.

    Choji and Shikamaru are great friends of mine.”

    “Oh also.. there’s this boy named Sasuke.. He has a lot of hate in his eyes, but I can see that it is not for me… Also, there’s this girl with plain odd eyes. Many people bully her because of how weird they look. So I can understand her pain and I think she understands me too! Tee-hee” Naruto grinned with his eyes closed… “She’s also kinda cute! Heh!”.

    “Ho! Ho! Ho!. That sounds like a wonderful family.. doesn’t it Naruto Kun?’

    “Yes it does Jii-chan.. you can drop the transformation” Naruto replied.

    Saying nothing, Hiruzen dropped his transformation.

    “I’m really sorry Naruto-kun, but someday.. you’ll learn why I can’t give you what you’re asking for. But believe me.. your parents loved you a lot. Even after their deaths, their spirit lives on in you.”.

    “Look at the stars.” Hiruzen said as he pointed his fingers in the night sky.

    “You see, this world is truly boundless. When people die from our world, they pass on into another world amongst the stars. They always watch over the ones they love from the skies and protect them when needed. Your parents as well”.

    “Jii-chan.. Thank you” Naruto replied as he hugged Hiruzen tightly when Hiruzen’s tummy let out a loud growl.

    “Hehe...Ahahahaha!!” Naruto laughed!!

    “Gyahahaha!!” Hiruzen cackled.

    “Your parents are always watching over you Naruto, your family in Konoha is also always watching out for you. Make us proud.. “ Hiruzen smiled as he gently waved his hand through Naruto’s hair.

    After that, both Naruto and Hiruzen had some more fish as they gazed at the stars and had a few hearty laughs before Naruto fell asleep and snuggled himself into Hiruzen’s Lap.

    Naruto Shippuden Episode 480-Naruto and Hinata

Screenshot from 2020-12-24 15-42-19

Sorry I couldn't post the image in my post due to uploading errors... here it is, sincere apologies for the delay

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