Story :
First of all may i say merry christmas to evreyone , And happy hollidays , We pray that we shall only remember the past year's joyful moments with open heart and forget the sad ones instead or shall i say remember them aswell but as challenges that we overcame , either with the help of our freinds or our family or even the sweet words of encouragment from a stranger bless all , as i belive each one of us in this world have a purpose to shape our destiny and remember evrey one have a purpose and evreything happends for a reason .
And that brings me to the purpose of my image here down below , it might not be so "cool" or graphic but i belive the meaning of it can be so much deeper :
the purpose of the image is not to distant your self or to isolate your self but to encourage you to belive in your self no matter what happend even if all hope is lost and you have no one by your side at that moment , I want you to remember that you are your own last men defense you are ur own last man army , embrace your inner self and belive in your self and you will be capable to do and achieve anything , never think low of what you might accomplish , initiate the action first and destiny will make people close to you and throw help in your way . and with that way i overcame covid-19 thanks to my naruto online teammates and my family i kept my state of mind positive which led me to find my own kurama to get a positive and healthier physical state .
merry christmas to all playerss and mods and devs , merry christmas to naruto online and on behalf of my groupe we thank you for the best years of browser gaming experience naruto online .
Naruto Shippuden Episode 329 - Two-Man Team
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SERVER: S1488 :Mirror world
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