I don't know if it's only me or this goes for other people but when I tried to install the mini client I got a windowsdefender warning that the software could harm my pc.
Hello, the download found on the official Naruto Online website is safe, but it can be flagged by an antivirus software. For specific antivirus software, I would suggest googling the process for that specific software.
I ignored the warning but dowloading it made my pc to run slower th*ual at first I thought it was the laptop but after removing the client it started running smoothly again.
I ignored the warning but dowloading it made my pc to run slower th*ual at first I thought it was the laptop but after removing the client it started running smoothly again.
Did You Download It Off Of The "Narutogamesbox" Website Though Because It Didn't Give Me Any "Security Warning Screen" When I Downloaded It From There Though Only An "Administrator Screen" (As Such Though)
Did You Download It Off Of The "Narutogamesbox" Website Though Because It Didn't Give Me Any "Security Warning Screen" When I Downloaded It From There Though Only An "Administrator Screen" (As Such Though)
I dowloaded it when I opened the server and it popped up on my screen saying I should dowload and open
I dowloaded it when I opened the server and it popped up on my screen saying I should dowload and open
Just Click On The "Claim" B-u-t-t-o-n-s On The Side Of Each Reward (As Such Though), DiamondFlare
It is known that the new miniclient uses a large amount of your cpu and ram, and we have asked for it to be reduced however possible. Are you having issues just when the miniclient is open?
a lot of cpu? it tanked my 2700x,i understand it's a 2 year old cpu but come on this is a 2d and 3 quarters of a game
The problem is not the prizes it's the pc warning me of the client and it slowing it down after ignoring the warning
Sorry For The Late Response, DiamondFlare..But, It's (Probably) The High "CPU And RAM" Usage That's Making Your PC Run Slower Than U-s-u-a-l..When It's Installed On Your PC (As Such Though) Or As Tylermotoki Had Said Above Though..But, You Can In "Task Manager" On Windows' PC's (Though) "Disable" Programs That Are (Currently) Running In The Background Of Your PC (That You Don't Use Anymore As Such Though) To Free Up More "CPU And RAM" Usage On Your PC As Such Though (But Only Do So If You Know Which Programs To "Disable" On Your PC Though To Not "Brick Your PC" At The End Of The Day As Such Though)
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