Here are some things that I think are most important to take a look at regarding the new Mini Client. I will also give one suggestion on how to make the new one even better than the old one! Keep in mind that the new client literally just released so relax and give Oasis some time to fix and improve things.
The current problems I had and have seen other people talking about are as follows:
- The game is noticable more slow: This was to be expected since it doesn't run on Flash anymore which was commonly known to run pretty fast. Since the client just came out though I trust that any issues regarding this will improve in due time.
- Logging in mutliple accounts forces you into multiple windows, closing one of the windows will cause a crash on all other current windows: I'll be honest, the fact that you could open multiple accounts within the same window and the fact that the game even saves previous logged in accounts was one of the best features of the old miniclient. I and many other would be very happy to at least see this specific feature making a return since it added a lot of value to using the client at all.
- When you start up the game it will always start up in the same small screen: This is just a minor inconvinience but the old client used to save whatever size you had your screen set to when you last closed it. This should be relativly easy to fix though.
And now I'll talk about one feature that could make this client even better than the old one
- Support full screen above 1920x1080 pixels. I for example have a 2560x1600 screen and the old Mini Client never let me use full screen for that reason. Nowadays people are using screens much bigger than 1920x1080 and it'd add a lot of value to so many players that are still can't go full screen to this day.
In conclusion the release looks rough but it was a good idea to release it a month before Flash ends because this way you now have a whole month to take in suggestions and feedback from your fellow ninjas to improve on it instead of releasing it right when the old one expires.
EDIT: You can actually still open multiple accounts in one window however you have to do it by clicking the Server List symbol, logging out your current account and then logging in the desired other account instead of clicking the *on in the top right of the Mini Client like before. Somehow I get stuck in a loading screen when trying to log in via Google Plus through that method, not sure why. I hope the *on gets fixed soon so everyody can easily acces their alt accounts via the quick and easy *on provided by the Mini Client
I Thought That Google Had Discontinued The Google+ Service Since April 2nd 2019 Though..? (Well, Only The Consumer Version That Is As Such Though) Maybe That's Why You're Currently Experiencing Problems Using That Method To Login Into Your Account On The New Mini Client Though (But That's Only A Possibility From My Viewpoint As Such Though)
It is still possible to open Google Plus and Facebook accounts but only in seperate windows. Only when trying to log them in via the server list trick it is impossible to log them in to get them into the same window. I should've been more clear about that, my bad.
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