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[ Other ] When will you fix this game?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-11-29 21:17:32Show All PostsDescending Order
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Since Oasis support is not answering any of the tickets anymore and just closes them, will have to ask here. When will we get any update about the flash update and when will you fix your horrible matching system and make this game at least playable again, not having to spend thousands of dollars to be able to have a fight without being one-shotted by big whales or long-time freezers? When will we get any new content in the game? New events, new TI, some new PvP events, where we can finally be matched by power, not by level or random (like you are doing now)?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-12-01 02:09:03Show All Posts
  • tylermotoki On 2020-11-30 14:47:37
  • Hello, many of these suggestions have been passed along previously, especially the power-based matching systems. The only thing we can do is wait on that one. A new TI has been recommended previously, but do you have anything specific you are wishing for? Some have asked for a permanent TI, is this also something you wish for? Are there any specific pvp events that you think would be good to include? Regarding the flash player update, there has been an announcement made on the official discord server, which stated that a new miniclient is going to be released shortly, with the intent to create a client for Mac, but the Mac client does not have a specified release date.

Just focus on fixing matching system - that will make game more fun again for everyone. Forget everything else, just fix matching system, we are waiting years now for this fix... :(

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-12-01 18:58:28Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2020-12-01 02:22:54
  • Matching requires people and for older servers, that isn't going to happen since most people do not join older server knowing they can't beat the ones already playing. Perfect matching isn't going to happen even if they fix the matching.

I didn't ask for perfect matching system, but I just can't understand why is it so hard to make Sage according to power level instead of player level? They can just rank registered players by battle power and put them in the same Sage (first 60 players in 1st cluster, 60-120 on 2nd cluster, ...), I think it would make more casual F2P players join Sage again since they would not be one-shotted most of the time by long-time freezers and big whales. Or just fix the system so players with 10 or more winning streaks can only attack other players on 5 or more winning streaks... Matsuri and Decisive is harder, I agree, but they could at least try and give you a match with someone similar to your power level, not being matched with player 2-3 times your power from the start, and after you lose, you get a long time freezer (i.e. Alucard), since he's lower level and he again demolishes you with one shot - I think those kind of scenarios should be avoided... And once you get 1-2 wins in a row, you can get a match with OP players, I don't disagree with that. I believe more players would stay on older servers if they would fix that, but now most of the F2P just leaves and joins a new server after a month or trwo and a few remaining players are stuck in a dead server, praying to Oasis for a merge...

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-12-02 14:10:47Show All Posts
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2020-12-02 05:50:14
  • Hello,
    To be perfectly blunt, a power-based matching system is completely untenable. It discourages spending in a huge way. The primary reason that players spend is so that they can advance their accounts. If spending will not advance their accounts because all matchmaking systems will guarantee that they will always only fight people of their power level, no one will want to spend. It's unlikely the game will immediately fall apart due to the lack of a revenue stream, but it will suffer because of it, and you can bet that the people in charge will not make a decision that free players want that spenders do not. This is why, despite these suggestions having been submitted multiple times, they have never gone through. This is just common sense.

    While I sympathize with you that, yes, it is frustrating to lose to a level freezer, you have to look at the other perspective. Your level freezer in question was clever in his strategy to level freeze and to raise his comparative power to his level. Why should he punished for that?

    Ultimately what you're asking for is essentially the Zenith event. It takes power completely out of the equation. There are events for spenders and events for free players, and since spenders generate more revenue for the company than free players, there are more of the former than the latter. You should give the Zenith event a try if you'd like extremely balanced gameplay.


    EDIT: P.S. I forgot about Sage World Arena, it does much the same thing as Zenith. Please give it a try!

So this game has finally became only a P2W game. I think if you were more confident about the product, you would not be worried about losing revenue, since many players would invest money in a game where they would have more chances to be matched closer to their power because they would want to get an edge or get that special ninja that would raise their chances. Who says freezers are still investing in the game? I know many freezers that don't have to invest a cent in the game anymore since they are getting free power items in your "fair" events and don't have to spend any more real money to get more power, so that is a miss on your part. Big spenders will always be big spenders, you would gain alot more semi spenders if you fixed your matching. 3 years ago, when I quit this game 1st time, I was told level freezing was against the rules, but looks like you gave in on that rule and this is now called a good strategy (). And there are so many events (regular Sage and Matsuri, Decisive Bonds, Training Grounds, Space-Time) that give advantage to those freezers, and so little for regular players (Zenith is 5 days per month and you have to grind your way to get in if you don't have those OP ninjas, Arena Sage and Matsuri are once per week). You can do your math, what this game wants you to do and who is this game meant for. This game is not about skills anymore (not for the last 3 years), it's all about the money. Sad to see a game that was so proud of being-called a game of skills turn out to this sad state. Opening new servers every 2 days just to be alive for 1-2 months and after that you get agony of playing on dead servers and praying to Oasis gods to be merged...

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