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[ Events ] Event Cycle 29th October


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  • Registered: 2020-04-30
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On 2020-10-29 02:01:05Show All Posts

Honestly this game is money hungry and they wont stop with the p2w events. At this point they should make f2p servers because its actually getting unfair. Having to wait like 2 years just to get a good ninja is crazy. I remember how some ninja were hard to get and they are in exchange (which i love very much) So please start making it fair!!! And lit rally no one wants kabuto holloween I mean like give out kimi holloween Wouldn't that be better? But dont give out all his frags only do like half and have the rest in redeem. Just please work on making it better and fair for the people who plainly dont want to or cant spend money. (i finished my rant)

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