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[ Events ] Event Cycle 8th October


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  • Registered: 2020-02-21
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On 2020-10-09 05:22:20Show All Posts
  • Darials On 2020-10-08 14:08:40
  • They are probably gonna milk Suigetsu/jugo and Hidan for the rest of the year. Im in same position as Tim, got Hidan twice from the wheel and I have to finish Tsuku in this cycle. The recharge ninjas are just what I imagined to be for the last week; tr@sh.

Interesting. based on what you and T.I.M said, it kinda seems like they increased the drop rate for this wheel with Hidan compared to other ones of this type in the past with other rare ninja. Just speaking for my server, already 2 people (that I know of, there may be more) have gotten him, and one of them got him with like less than 50 spins. Normally in my server only the biggest whales (like 1 or 2 people) end up getting the ninja in that wheel and it usually takes longer into the cycle.

Quicky Post

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