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[ Events ] Event Cycle 1st October


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-09-30 20:39:11Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2020-09-30 19:53:24
  • wait, wasnt this ninja been released like 2-3 weeks ago in cn? i won't be surprised if next week we get rin on recharge

Introduced in CN at least 3 months ago. Currently, Asura has the shortest time between it was released on CN to Global.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-10-01 04:42:36Show All Posts
  • T.I.M. On 2020-09-30 20:42:30
  • Are we allowed to speculate or is that against the rules too?

    If not, do you think we will get kisame breaks soon? I know you pay attention to the other versions so you seem like a fair person to ask this to, all i know is that his frags have been less common here and germany has had his breaks for 2 months roughly now

Ever since they added vanilla shisui, it's been hard to track when new characters/breakthoughs would come from China. If you really want him, just save your coupons until they release the skillbreaks as most likely kisame will be back in events more often again.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-10-01 08:12:00Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2020-10-01 07:43:55
  • tomorrow they release indra, let's count how much it takes till we see him in UK

Well if its like Ashura, Global would get him via a rebate and comes in a month from now if that's the case. So maybe a rebate in November-December to "celebrate" Christmas...…

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-10-03 05:46:21Show All Posts
  • MyNinja On 2020-10-03 01:57:01
  • Lots of people already had her, but not BT. She isn't really as useful as other ninjas unless she is BT. Also, lots of ninjas counter her like Nagato BT which they added in 3v3 this week and is now easy to get in the collection interface like it was before with however many ninja stars you needed to unlock the page. This may have broken the game when there were less ninja who could counter immunity to debuff, but I think it's fine now and will help even the playing field for F2P.

F2Ps on newer severs, yes it will help them since they might not have piece kushina and nagato 3* or 4*. F2Ps on older servers should have already have them and the frags don't really help as much unless you want to piece the frags for breakthroughs. Now if you're on an older server but don't have her or 4* yet, then that's on you.

Quicky Post

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