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[ Events ] Event Cycle 24th September


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On 2020-09-24 02:12:29Show this Author Only

Very nice event :)))

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On 2020-09-24 02:40:47Show this Author Only

waiting for kisae bt

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On 2020-09-24 03:17:54Show this Author Only

Well at least we get cave rebate, some good bp

This post was last edited by Dohko24 on 2020-09-24 03:18:18.
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On 2020-09-24 03:29:28Show this Author Only

Boring ...

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On 2020-09-24 03:55:05Show this Author Only

No new Bond ninjas again??????

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On 2020-09-24 07:25:49Show this Author Only

Yippie, no new skill trial or ninja two weeks in a row!!! Can't wait for a new record and three weeks next time.

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On 2020-09-24 08:00:04Show this Author Only

Y'all should chill, I'm sure the mods are trying their hardest to make it interesting if you don't know coding takes a lot of work.

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On 2020-09-24 15:03:21Show this Author Only
  • DiamondFlare On 2020-09-24 08:00:04
  • Y'all should chill, I'm sure the mods are trying their hardest to make it interesting if you don't know coding takes a lot of work.

i hope you are being sarcastic

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On 2020-09-24 18:07:29Show this Author Only

Hi Good day/night hehe

Is it possible to have next week to have/request for charm rebate. refine rebate and element/nature resistance rebate.

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On 2020-09-24 18:52:44Show this Author Only

What is inside the lucky snätch packs?

I'd assume this would be someone one wants to know before spending on the event...?

This post was last edited by Faast on 2020-09-24 18:52:53.
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On 2020-09-24 19:26:33Show this Author Only
  • TobinExplains On 2020-09-24 00:56:36
  • Hey guys, Tobin here to explain the joke.

    So basically, this guy is saying we need to be the quote-unquote "bigger man" here and just be complacent with bad treatment because speaking up when we're treated poorly supposedly give oas an incentive to treat us worse (which is ??? logic in my book)

    Idk man, if you're happy and satisfied with mediocrity, you do you. But if a government is unfit to rule, it's the job of the people to speak up and spark change, right? Even if the likelihood of any actual change from player feedback is slim, it's better to go down fighting than just curl up and die.

    Tobin out.

posts like that other persons I always assume the people are either gl's or are trying to become gl's. Its one of only two logical reasons, occams razor and all that.

People will always have differing opinions and people will always disagree with each other, but that is not what we are talking about here.

We are talking about a horrendous company whose existence is dependant on people like us, it is dependant on people playing their games and yet this is the worst games company in the hemisphere and possibly on the entire planet and it is all their own doing. They choose to ignore us, choose to go against what the customers want showing they dont even understand the concept of supply and demand, they have no lines of communication with their player base whatsoever, we all know the mods dont do anything. few posts here and there + delete valid threads and comments in what is already the most harshly censored forum outside of china + collect their coupons, they only benefit themselves, not us the players and not the company either.

When you think of it, what possible reason could players in a game have for openly promoting that we do not even try to improve the game which has the

knock on effect of also making the company more money ?

Why would they openly try to twist words to pass the buck from a company that continues to treat us bad and pass the buck onto the powerless players

whose only possible outlet is to try and voice their opinions on the worst forums around?

Why would they openly advocate that we blindly, silently and with open arms welcome oasis continued poor treatment of the people keeping their lights

on and destroying their own golden goose in the process?......There has to be some form of compensation, think of any game/ movie/ tvseries

any of you have liked, have any of you ever gone to forums and spent your time telling people not to offer honest reviews and critiques so the company has feedback to work off going forward? have you ever openly said that you endorse a company ea as example ruining your favourite series?

Ofcourse not, you have no problem taking a few moments out of your day to provide feedback in the slim hope that it could help improve things in the future, especially if it is something you enjoy.

yet people like that person are in essence posting propoganda telling us that the customers are the problem and without providing compromises,

alternatives, honest suggestions of their own they simple order us to be complicit as this company makes this game less and less appealing to log in to

Troll with way too much time on their hands


Someone complicit in the poor treatment of a game they supposed to like in exchange for personal gains.

These are the only 2 explanations that make sense for defending and justyfing the poor treatment of a game they are here to play

Also to the guy saying the mods are trying hard that coding takes work, I guess you dont know but the mods are no more involved with programming or coding or any type of work than you or I, they are simply rich players who oasis chose ( who knows under what context because some of the mods here sure as h3ll are not fit to be the

conduit between player and company) and oasis gives them 30k coupons per month and all they have to do is censor the forums and occasionally copy and paste something, that is genuinely all they do.

Also coding takes time, but oasis dont do any real work, they buy the rights to pre existing assets that are created and maintained by a chinese company, all oasis do is copy and paste stuff after china has created and implemented it and change a few numbers to make our heals weaker, our shields weaker, to make our characters worse versions than china has while also adding a few more zeros onto the prices of everything to gouge us for assets they have deliberately weakened. That does not take time

*I needed translators help with some of this, you will have to excuse any mistakes and also the ugly formatting, copying/pasting sections from the translator app evidently mess up the formatting in this box, gaps between lines and sentences running on to the next line despite plenty of room, these do not happen in the transaltor nor if I paste in notepad/word etc , it only happens here, sorry

This post was last edited by T.I.M. on 2020-09-24 19:48:56.
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On 2020-09-24 19:54:20Show this Author Only

No Mizuki, NO party xD

... 3 MONTH !! RECORD!

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On 2020-09-24 22:06:06Show this Author Only
  • FranchuS On 2020-09-24 19:54:20
  • No Mizuki, NO party xD

    ... 3 MONTH !! RECORD!


You can have mine.

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On 2020-09-25 00:05:03Show this Author Only
  • Anbu Ninja On 2020-09-23 20:36:52
  • no new ninjas or SBTs again?! (its almost a month or more)

    note i replied to that comment by mistake how can i remove it (the replying to moderator...not whole comment)?

If you're a f2p, you really shouldn't be asking for new ninjas if you haven't catch up to ones you don't have just saying. You're just helping whales who already got the ninjas they need already

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On 2020-09-25 04:43:43Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2020-09-25 00:05:03
  • If you're a f2p, you really shouldn't be asking for new ninjas if you haven't catch up to ones you don't have just saying. You're just helping whales who already got the ninjas they need already

who cares what the rich folk do? this is a collection based game, there is nothing wrong with people wanting new things to collect, sure they may not have every useless character released so far, maybe not all clothing and all summons but that doesnt mean they cant want to expand the roster, maybe there is someone they've been waiting for, maybe they have a team in mind.

I wont put words in other peoples mouths but personally I do not own every character to date, but those I am missing are ones that are either out of my price range or I do not care enough about to save and spend coupons for, doesnt mean there arent potential new characters I look foward to. Rich people are always going to have it easy, they are always going to have the newest stuff first, but who cares? we cant compete with them anyway we can just take things at our own pace, you said it yourself, the whales already have the characters they need, if a new release comes along and they instantly sweep them up so what? it makes absolutely no difference to any of us, whether a whale uses kimi Halloween, madara jin or someone else it doesn't matter, the outcome is the same

On this point I would like to throw this out there, can the nightmare summon please be put back into the game? not in any events or the summon optional packs, it isnt even a useful summon but been on 77/80 frags for months and months and it appears that the summon was added to the game and then removed

This post was last edited by T.I.M. on 2020-09-25 04:52:34.
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On 2020-09-25 06:23:44Show this Author Only
  • T.I.M. On 2020-09-25 04:43:43
  • who cares what the rich folk do? this is a collection based game, there is nothing wrong with people wanting new things to collect, sure they may not have every useless character released so far, maybe not all clothing and all summons but that doesnt mean they cant want to expand the roster, maybe there is someone they've been waiting for, maybe they have a team in mind.

    I wont put words in other peoples mouths but personally I do not own every character to date, but those I am missing are ones that are either out of my price range or I do not care enough about to save and spend coupons for, doesnt mean there arent potential new characters I look foward to. Rich people are always going to have it easy, they are always going to have the newest stuff first, but who cares? we cant compete with them anyway we can just take things at our own pace, you said it yourself, the whales already have the characters they need, if a new release comes along and they instantly sweep them up so what? it makes absolutely no difference to any of us, whether a whale uses kimi Halloween, madara jin or someone else it doesn't matter, the outcome is the same

    On this point I would like to throw this out there, can the nightmare summon please be put back into the game? not in any events or the summon optional packs, it isnt even a useful summon but been on 77/80 frags for months and months and it appears that the summon was added to the game and then removed

While the outcome stays the same, whales help create the demand to signal that Oasis should focus on them. They help shape how events are being made. These mega rebates are one example where it puts a pay-wall on certain ninjas. Heck if I wanted Ronin Naruto, I had to even get him by chance or wait over a year to him avail in coupons (price high though). They help contribute to the reason why Oasis puts a character that cost barely anything on China and make it cost an arm and a leg on the English server. They create the demand and if whales stopped paying, Oasis should then start to think in changing how they manage the events. If not, at the moment, they have little incentive to change since they get the $$.

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On 2020-09-25 07:07:26Show this Author Only
  • DiamondFlare On 2020-09-24 08:00:04
  • Y'all should chill, I'm sure the mods are trying their hardest to make it interesting if you don't know coding takes a lot of work.

Bro I there are people who can * into this game in a few minutes for a few bucks. But oasis can't even implement stuff into their own game with all the money they get.

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On 2020-09-25 18:37:33Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2020-09-25 06:23:44
  • While the outcome stays the same, whales help create the demand to signal that Oasis should focus on them. They help shape how events are being made. These mega rebates are one example where it puts a pay-wall on certain ninjas. Heck if I wanted Ronin Naruto, I had to even get him by chance or wait over a year to him avail in coupons (price high though). They help contribute to the reason why Oasis puts a character that cost barely anything on China and make it cost an arm and a leg on the English server. They create the demand and if whales stopped paying, Oasis should then start to think in changing how they manage the events. If not, at the moment, they have little incentive to change since they get the $$.

I see, i'm all for speaking out in the vain hope of improvement and I see what you are saying but im curious if that could even possibly work anymore. Gouging prices to such extreme levels has always been oasis mo, and since most of the biggest whales are now in oasis' pocket so in addition to their vast levels of disposable money they are now also getting free coupons, free power on top of their already overwhelming power levels and inside knowledge to what events/characters/items will be coming so they know the best time to spend.......... I will not tell anyone not to voice valid criticisms or anything like that but unfortunately I think it is too late for this change to happen given the 1% are now pseudo staff members, the ship for us as a community deciding to make oasis pay attention, by refusing to spend has sailed

since the reason we want them to pay attention as a whole is not selfish, it is for the betterment of the game which would inherently increase their income it *s my mind that as a greed eyed company they still ignore this facet of the argument, not everyone is a whale granted, but some small tweaks and balances would continue to see whales spend but also provide incentive for more people to spend within their limits and they would not be pushing so many players away, im not the most social person in the world and my time zone certainly does not help with that but I could personally list off about 30 whales I have played with/against who would still be playing if in these 4 years oasis had done even a single thing to show they have the slightest interest in the players

This post was last edited by T.I.M. on 2020-09-25 18:48:26.
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On 2020-09-25 20:27:56Show this Author Only
  • Darials On 2020-09-24 22:06:06
  • mizu

    You can have mine.


I wish I had it...


....3 month is like this (71/80)

This post was last edited by FranchuS on 2020-09-25 20:28:24.
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On 2020-09-26 15:42:29Show this Author Only

Hana Style clothing when ?????? pls need 9 frag!!!!!!

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