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[ Events ] Event Cycle 24th September


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-09-25 00:05:03Show All Posts
  • Anbu Ninja On 2020-09-23 20:36:52
  • no new ninjas or SBTs again?! (its almost a month or more)

    note i replied to that comment by mistake how can i remove it (the replying to moderator...not whole comment)?

If you're a f2p, you really shouldn't be asking for new ninjas if you haven't catch up to ones you don't have just saying. You're just helping whales who already got the ninjas they need already

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-09-25 06:23:44Show All Posts
  • T.I.M. On 2020-09-25 04:43:43
  • who cares what the rich folk do? this is a collection based game, there is nothing wrong with people wanting new things to collect, sure they may not have every useless character released so far, maybe not all clothing and all summons but that doesnt mean they cant want to expand the roster, maybe there is someone they've been waiting for, maybe they have a team in mind.

    I wont put words in other peoples mouths but personally I do not own every character to date, but those I am missing are ones that are either out of my price range or I do not care enough about to save and spend coupons for, doesnt mean there arent potential new characters I look foward to. Rich people are always going to have it easy, they are always going to have the newest stuff first, but who cares? we cant compete with them anyway we can just take things at our own pace, you said it yourself, the whales already have the characters they need, if a new release comes along and they instantly sweep them up so what? it makes absolutely no difference to any of us, whether a whale uses kimi Halloween, madara jin or someone else it doesn't matter, the outcome is the same

    On this point I would like to throw this out there, can the nightmare summon please be put back into the game? not in any events or the summon optional packs, it isnt even a useful summon but been on 77/80 frags for months and months and it appears that the summon was added to the game and then removed

While the outcome stays the same, whales help create the demand to signal that Oasis should focus on them. They help shape how events are being made. These mega rebates are one example where it puts a pay-wall on certain ninjas. Heck if I wanted Ronin Naruto, I had to even get him by chance or wait over a year to him avail in coupons (price high though). They help contribute to the reason why Oasis puts a character that cost barely anything on China and make it cost an arm and a leg on the English server. They create the demand and if whales stopped paying, Oasis should then start to think in changing how they manage the events. If not, at the moment, they have little incentive to change since they get the $$.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-09-29 23:27:23Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2020-09-29 21:08:39
  • spending real time out of your lives for nothing in return.

    this is the most ideotic argument ever, why? because according with "other people" 90% of your time is "wasted" you either play a game, watch a video on youtube, do anything that is not "productive" is "doing things for nothing in return" in the eyes of the likes of you...

    nothing is wasted if you gain even a glimpse of anything from tangible to intangible

    either way this conversation is kinda irrelevant since they gonna censor the sht out of us for "enthusing drama" (cn gives players coupons every week as apology for update time)

You know what's even sad? Compensation among Oasis games are completely differently. I am playing the global version of Bleach Immortal Soul and they provide in-game currency for every bug, issue, and maintenance that happens in the game. If you're active in the game, you can pretty much get all of the event characters by just collecting the in-game currency they give you. So there's probably different management styles between the browser and mobile games they manage. Even so, majority of browser games I've played are cash cows so that speaks volumes in terms of what a player should expect when playing browser games.

Quicky Post

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