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"matching" system


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-09-20 01:58:35Show All Posts
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2020-09-19 08:03:56

  • >>>1: that is not my experience at all, I too have farmed moon scrolls fairly recently, and I have come up against meta teams, mods, and the richest of the rich just as >>>often when using my basically forgotten character- sound 4, konoha 9, pains etc
    It's possible you're coming up against these teams after the gating process has run through enough time to relegate you to the "match against any team" process, since it couldn't match you to a relevant opponent.

    >>> - if you do match with friends the chances of that are atomically small, the chances of matching a friend 3 times in one day are less likely than me becoming CEO >>> of oasis

    And I know plenty of people that don't like doing arena, so they match with their friends to finish arena missions. And they can do so reliably and quickly all day long using the rules I described above. They have no issues whatsoever doing so. They do so far more than three times, and none of them are CEO. They can so dozens of times, and can quickly complete all of their arena missions and even their first time arena mission designations for moon coins. Perhaps you didn't read what I outlined clearly enough and missed a step?

    >>> 2: even if that is true, that is still a bad way to handle it, that means if someone gets lucky or if someone spends time saving coupons to go for a rare character they >>>like the current algorithm lumps them in with whales just for being in possession of an event character?
    It actually isn't about being an event character. I personally like to use New Year Hashirama in arena because I find him quite fun, but I find myself matched against Team 7s quite frequently, as his point value is quite low, much to my chagrin, as I often find myself obligated to give such new players free wins. NY Hashirama is valued fairly low in terms of total points, despite being an event ninja. Event ninja status is not the determiner of point value.

    >>> levels are equalized in arena but outside stats still matters because you know someone who was able to buy and 4 star shisui susano is going to have enough init to render any player who won shisui in wheel useless. It means that "training" is still not viable as a means of training because someone who won or saved enough coupons just to recruit a character still going to be obliterated by a whale who was able to drop enough coupons/ingots to get them, maybe 4 star them and the inevitable power items that come with it . I do not know if your post implies that star level is taken into account, but I can assure you that my 3 star ronin team is not on equal footing to the 4 star madara jinchu, 4 star kimi halloween, cancer tsunade teams I face ad nauseum.

    Strategy and cleverness is also important in arena. Again, personally, With my random collection of non-meta ninjas I've yet to face a tsunade/ten-tails madara "meta" team I can't beat. I understand that you're feeling discouraged about this, but a full rewrite on this system is not something that is going to happen. Graduate teams of computer scientists do not grow on trees. And, again, and system you are proposing will be just as full of flaws and holes that others will hate as the system you hate now.

    >>> I am bad with words I know, so just to be clear, I know this is not something in your power so nothing against you and you probably will have a script to go off given >>>how strict the censorship is in these forums, but none of what you said actually applies to my suggestions, I ofcourse have no power here, but the suggestion
    >>> remains valid, a simple tweak to the training arena matching algorithm would be an easy enough implementation and would allow us to use training arena to train
    As it is now, the training arena exists to practice using lineups, and it does just that. It is not perfect for that, but no system is. Ultimately, I *can* submit the suggestion you're proposing, but because of the large cost inherent to the proposal in both man hours and resources, I can't promise you'll see a return. Also, since you're the only person advocating this system, and it has no other support, it's not likely it will get much momentum. It's far more likely that others will dislike your new system than that others will dislike the current system, if that makes sense. At present, I can mostly just suggest "changes" and "improvements" to the current arena system, something all players definitely want, but there doesn't seem to be much interest in your current, proposed system.

How Are We Supposed To Know The Total "Ninja's Point Value" Of Said Ninja That Is (As Such)..If We Don't Even Have Any Scale To Go Off On To Know (Or Even Estimate As Such That Is) Which Ninja's Are Rated As "Relatively" Low In Point Value (That Is) As Such..When They Aren't (Even) Publicly Offered To Us As Such..So, That We Don't Go Up Against (Any Unnecessary) "Top Tier" P2W Players In Arena As Such..? Which In Turn Should Also Be Applied To This Arena's "Training" Mode As Well (As Such) And I Get What You Mean By Your Statement Of Having "Strategy And Cleverness" In Battle Whenever You're In This Mode As Such Because Doesn't That Involve "Outsmarting Out Your Opponent" At Their Own Game That Is (As Such) Which Is Also Aided By How High Your "Initiative" Is That You "Currently" Have (At That Time) As Such And Is Also "Somewhat" Influenced By Your Equipment Stats As Such Like (Ninja's Stars, Eight Gates, Etc) But, You Did Not (Also In Addition To Said "Claim" As Such) Describe What "Team" You've Decided To Use (In Arena That Is As Such) That Includes "New Year's Hashirama" Also As A Unit As Such And I Can Confirm As A F2P Player (Myself) And From Others As Well That I Don't Think That The "Majority" Of F2P Players (That Are Currently Playing This Game As Of Now That Is As Such) Have Ninja's Like New Year's Hashirama, Kimimaro (Halloween) Or Kushina (Red Hot Habanero) I'm Just Saying Here As Such Some May Have "Said Ninja" (In Question That Is As Such) But, It's Not The Majority (That's In Question Here As Such) I Can Firmly Claim As Such (From The Time That I Was Regularly Playing Said Game As Such) And We're Not Asking You To Rewrite The Whole System That's In Place Here As Such..We're Just Saying That To Tell Your "Programming Staff" (That Are Currently Available To Do So That Is As Such) To Add These Rules That Are Given To You Here To The Current System That's In Place Here To Allow Players To Have A Fair Fight Against Their Opponents (As Such)..Who Shouldn't Be Against A P2W Player If They're A F2P Player (To Keep Things Fair As Such) But, At Least It's A Start..Right..? And (My Last Question To You Is) What Do You Define These "Improvements" As Such..If They're Not "Game Related Issues" Like These That Is As Such..?

This post was last edited by Esponix on 2020-09-20 02:07:25.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 34
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On 2020-09-21 00:57:34Show All Posts
  • Picklejuicy On 2020-09-20 15:50:41
  • If you are having trouble passing arena mission, try saying that in battle chat and ask for a win. Most people will give you a win if you ask. I often just retreat if I see someone with a kankuro or zabuza in their team, since those are usually only ever used in teams for mission. When the win 15 arena battles event is running, don't try to get it all done on the first day. I usually try to get 3 wins a day when that event is happening, and after every time I win, I will usually retreat and give the next person I match with a win right after. Sometimes, when that event is happening, I will just make a cat team and constantly retreat every fight until I can't get a match in 10 seconds or so.

    Arena is a very poor place to test out new teams (so many retreat or just run auto), much better to do "even fight" with a friend on your server. But, if you are just testing a team in arena, when the fight is basically decided, then retreat.

Yeah, I'll Take Your Idea Into Consideration Whenever I Return To Arena That Is As Such

Quicky Post

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